Cloning a plant amino acid transporter by functional complementation of a yeast amino acid transporter mutant PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | |
植物營養元素磷的運輸、感測和訊息傳導的研究里程碑 | |
Silencing Osa-miR827 via CRISPR/Cas9 protects rice against the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY | |
Maternal effect contributes to grain-filling defects of Ospho1;2 rice mutants NEW PHYTOLOGIST | |
Mobilization and recycling of intracellular phosphorus in response to availability Quant Plant Biol. | |
Maternal effect contributes to grain-filling defects of Ospho1;2 rice mutants New Phytol. | |
母體效應導致Ospho1;2水稻突變體穀粒充填的缺陷 New Phytologist, 244(2): 351-357 | ![]() |
Milestones in understanding transport, sensing, and signaling of the plant nutrient phosphorus PLANT CELL | |
雙股微型核糖核酸miR399劑量依賴性的長距離移動以調節阿拉伯芥的磷酸鹽恆定 | |
結合全轉錄體關聯性與表現數量性狀基因座之分析以揭示了阿拉伯芥基因表達與開花的遺傳聯繫性 | |
Dose-dependent long-distance movement of microRNA399 duplex regulates phosphate homeostasis in Arabidopsis New Phytol. | |
TWAS coupled with eQTL analysis reveals the genetic connection between gene expression and flowering time in Arabidopsis J. Exp. Bot. | |
【邱子珍實驗室】誠徵博士後研究學者或研究助理 | |
雙股微型核糖核酸miR399劑量依賴性的長距離移動以調節阿拉伯芥的磷酸鹽恆定 New Phytologist, DOI: | ![]() |
結合全轉錄體關聯性與表現數量性狀基因座之分析以揭示了阿拉伯芥基因表達與開花的遺傳聯繫性 Journal of Experimental Botany, erad262, | ![]() |
陸生植物類受體細胞質激酶亞家族十一之演化、蛋白特性、結構域架構及細胞內定位之分析 Frontiers in Plant Science, 14: 1117059 | ![]() |
Conservation of land plant-specific receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase subfamily XI possessing a unique kinase insert domain Frontiers in Plant Science | |
Diversification in the inositol tris/tetrakisphosphate kinase (ITPK) family: crystal structure and enzymology of the outlier AtITPK4 Biochemical Journal | |
Autophagy-Mediated Phosphate Homeostasis in Arabidopsis Involves Modulation of Phosphate Transporters Plant And Cell Physiology | |
Loss-of-function of NITROGEN LIMITATION ADAPTATION confers disease resistance in Arabidopsis by modulating hormone signaling and camalexin content Plant Science | |
The ASPB Enid MacRobbie Corresponding Membership | |
恭賀本中心邱子珍特聘研究員榮獲美國植物生物學會海外終身通信會員獎! | ![]() |
Phosphate-induced resistance to pathogen infection in Arabidopsis Plant Journal | |
Phosphate transporter PHT1;1 is a key determinant of phosphorus acquisition in Arabidopsis natural accessions Plant Physiology | |
Structure–Function Analysis Reveals Amino Acid Residues of Arabidopsis Phosphate Transporter AtPHT1;1 Crucial for Its Activity Frontiers in Plant Science | |
Evolution of microRNA827 targeting in the plant kingdom New Phytologist | |
Arabidopsis inositol phosphate kinases, IPK1 and ITPK1, constitute a metabolic pathway in maintaining phosphate homeostasis Plant Journal | |
Phosphite-Mediated Suppression of Anthocyanin Accumulation Regulated by Mitochondrial ATP Synthesis and Sugars in Arabidopsis Plant & Cell Physiology | |
Sensing and Signaling of Phosphate Starvation: From Local to Long Distance Plant & Cell Physiology | |
Role of vacuoles in phosphorus storage and remobilization Journal of Experimental Botany | |
MicroRNA-mediated signaling and regulation of nutrient transport and utilization CURRENT OPINION IN PLANT BIOLOGY | |
Identification of plant vacuolar transporters mediating phosphate storage Nature communications | |
Increased phosphate transport of Arabidopsis thaliana Pht1;1 by site-directed mutagenesis of tyrosine 312 may be attributed to the disruption of homomeric interactions Plant Cell & Environment | |
Promoter-based identification of novel non-coding RNAs reveals the presence of dicistronic snoRNA-miRNA genes in Arabidopsis thaliana BMC Genomics | |
Transgenic Plants That Express the Phytoplasma Effector SAP11 Show Altered Phosphate Starvation and Defense Responses Plant Physiology | |
Long-distance call from phosphate: systemic regulation of phosphate starvation responses Journal of Experimental Botany | |
MicroRNA-mediated surveillance of phosphate transporters on the move TRENDS IN PLANT SCIENCE | |
Arabidopsis inositol pentakisphosphate 2-kinase, AtIPK1, is required for growth and modulates phosphate homeostasis at the transcriptional level Plant Journal | |
NITROGEN LIMITATION ADAPTATION, a target of microRNA827, mediates degradation of plasma membrane-localized phosphate transporters to maintain phosphate homeostasis in Arabidopsis Plant Cell | |
Identification of downstream components of ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme PHOSPHATE2 by quantitative membrane proteomics in Arabidopsis roots Plant Cell | |
PHO2-dependent degradation of PHO1 modulates phosphate homeostasis in Arabidopsis Plant Cell | |
Signaling network in sensing phosphate availability in plants ANNUAL REVIEW OF PLANT BIOLOGY | |
Vacuolar Ca2+/H+ Transport Activity Is Required for Systemic Phosphate Homeostasis Involving Shoot-to-Root Signaling in Arabidopsis Plant Physiology | |
The role of the miR399-PHO2 module in the regulation of flowering time in response to different ambient temperatures in Arabidopsis thaliana MOLECULES AND CELLS | |
The Role of miRNAs in Phosphorus Deficiency Signaling Plant Physiology | |
Abundance of tRNA-derived Small RNAs in Phosphate-starved Arabidopsis Roots Plant Signaling & Behavior. | |
Complex Regulation of Two Target Genes Encoding SPX-MFS Proteins by Rice miR827 in Response to Phosphate Starvation Plant & Cell Physiology | |
Molecular Regulators of Phosphate Homeostasis in Plants Journal of Experimental Botany | |
The Long-distance Signaling of Mineral Macronutrients Current Opinion in Plant Biology | |
Uncovering small RNA-mediated responses to phosphate-deficiency in Arabidopsis by deep sequencing Plant Physiology | |
Regulatory network of microRNA399 and PHO2 by systemic signaling Plant Physiology | |
Long-distance Movement and Differential Targeting of MicroRNA399s Plant Signaling & Behavior. | |
The Role of MicroRNAs in Sensing Nutrient Stress Plant Cell & Environment | |
Regulation of phosphate homeostasis by microRNA in Arabidopsis Plant Cell | |
pho2, a phosphate overaccumulator, is caused by a nonsense mutation in a miR399 target gene Plant Physiology | |
Differential Regulation of FLC expression by vernalization in Cabbage and Arabidopsis Plant Physiology | |
A miRNA Involved in Phosphate-Starvation Response in Arabidopsis Current Biology | |
Phosphate transporters of Medicago truncatula and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi PLANT AND SOIL | |
Spatial expression patterns of a phosphate transporter (MtPT1) from Medicago truncatula: implications for a role in phosphate transport at the root/soil interface Plant Journal | |
Overexpression of acyl carrier protein-1 alters fatty acid composition of leaf tissue in Arabidopsis Plant Physiology | |
Transformation of Medicago truncatula via infiltration of seedlings or flowering plants with Agrobacterium Plant Journal | |
Sucrose is a signal molecule in assimilate partitioning PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | |
Intracellular Phosphate Sensing and Regulation of Phosphate Transport Systems in Plants Plant Physiology | |
The Impact of Phosphorus on Plant Immunity Plant & Cell Physiology | |
Upstream Open Reading Frame and Phosphate-Regulated Expression of Rice OsNLA1 Controls Phosphate Transport and Reproduction Plant Physiology | |
Phosphate excess increases susceptibility to pathogen infection in rice Molecular Plant Pathology | |
STRESS INDUCED FACTOR 2 Regulates Arabidopsis Stomatal Immunity Through Phosphorylation of the Anion Channel SLAC1 Plant Cell | |
Spatial Profiles of Phosphate in Roots Indicate Developmental Control of Uptake, Recycling, and Sequestration Plant Physiology | |
揭露植物細胞儲存磷酸的奧秘 — 液泡膜磷酸轉運蛋白的發現 | |
以定量蛋白質體學闡明泛素接合酶PHOSPHATE2調控植物根部磷酸吸收之機制 | |
阿拉伯芥微型核糖核酸827目標基因NLA對磷酸運輸蛋白降解之調控 | |
阿拉伯芥miR399-PHO2與miR827-NLA功能模組協同調控磷酸的恆定 | |
PHO2調控PHO1蛋白質的降解以維持阿拉伯芥體內的磷酸平衡 | |
植物感知磷酸鹽多寡的訊息網絡 | |
液泡膜上鈣氫離子交換蛋白對於磷酸鹽恆定之系統性的調控 | |
以高速大量基因定序剖析小型核醣核酸在植物缺磷環境下之表現圖譜 | |
微型核醣核酸miR399對泛素接合酵素PHO2的系統性調控 | |
微型核醣核酸對植物體內磷酸恆定的調控 | |
第62屆教育部學術獎 | |
中央研究院深耕計畫 | |
科技部傑出研究獎 | |
科技部尖端研究計畫 | |
Thomson Reuters Taiwan Research Day and Research Front Awards | |
國科會傑出研究獎 | |
中央研究院前瞻計畫 | |
中研院年輕學者研究著作獎 | |
國科會尖端計畫 |