傑出校友 | |
傑出系友 | |
The functional role of N-link glycosylation in a novel cellobiohydrolase II (LsCel6A) from a white-rot fungus Lentinus sp. WR2 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules | |
Phytocompounds from essential oil of Mentha aquatica Lime Mint prevent vemurafenib-promoted skin carcinogenesis via inhibiting HRASQ61L keratinocyte and reprogramming macrophage activities Phytomedicine | |
Cellular and molecular signaling as targets for cancer vaccine therapeutics. cells | |
Identification of serum oxylipins associated with the development of coronary artery disease: A nested case-control study metabolites | |
Phyto-sesquiterpene lactones DET and DETD-35 induce ferroptosis in vemurafenib resistant melanoma via GPX4 inhibition and metabolic reprogramming Pharmacological Research | |
The critical role of galectin-12 in modulating lipid metabolism in sebaceous glands Journal of Investigative Dermatology | |
Phytogenics in ginger, Origanum vulgare, and Syzygium aromaticum and their potential as a feed additive against Clostridium perfringens in broiler production Animals | |
Quantitative proteomic analysis of differential proteins in helichrysetin-treated human lung carcinoma cells, A549 Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology | |
miRNA-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction is involved in the anti-triple-negative breast cancer cell activity of phytosesquiterpene lactones Antioxidants & Redox Signaling | |
Phytogalactolipids activate humoral immunity against colorectal cancer Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research | |
Plant-derived galactolipids enhance specific antibody production and induce class-switch as vaccine adjuvant Vaccine | |
Glutathione S-transferase omega class 1 (GSTO1)-associated large extracellular vesicles are involved in tumor-associated macrophage-mediated cisplatin resistance in bladder cancer Molecular Oncology | |
Trifolium pratense as a novel phytogenic supplement, is an anticoccidial agent in chickens Poultry Science | |
植物倍半萜內酯化合物藉由調控小分子RNA導引的粒線體功能缺失來抑制三陰性乳癌 Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, (DOI: 10.1089/ars.2021.0251) | ![]() |
【徐麗芬研究室】誠徵研究助理/博士後研究員-植物天然藥物之研發 | |
植物倍半萜內酯deoxyelephantopin (DET)和其新穎衍生物藉抑制GPX4酵素、重整代謝以及引起ferroptosis達到抑制藥性敏感或抗藥性BRAFV600E黑色素瘤生長 Pharmacological Research, 178, 106148. (doi.org/10.1016/j.phrs.2022.106148) | ![]() |
Cumingianoside A, a Phyto-Triterpenoid Saponin Inhibits Acquired BRAF Inhibitor Resistant Melanoma Growth via Programmed Cell Death Frontiers in Pharmacology | |
Phyto-sesquiterpene lactone deoxyelephantopin and cisplatin synergistically suppress lung metastasis of B16 melanoma in mice with reduced nephrotoxicity Phytomedicine | |
Essential oil of Mentha aquatica var. Kenting Water Mint suppresses two-stage skin carcinogenesis accelerated by BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib. Molecules | |
Plant galactolipid dLGG suppresses lung metastasis of melanoma through deregulating TNF-alpha-mediated pulmonary vascular permeability and circulating oxylipin dynamics in mice International Journal of Cancer | |
Dual specificity phosphatase DUSP6 promotes endothelial inflammation through inducible expression of ICAM-1 The FEBS Journal | |
Metabolomic compounds identified in Piriformospora indica-colonized Chinese cabbage roots delineate symbiotic functions of the interaction Scientific Reports | |
Novel effect and the mechanistic insights of fruiting body extract of medicinal fungus Antrodia cinnamomea against T47D breast cancer Phytomedicine | |
Phytoagent deoxyelephantopin derivative inhibits triple negative breast cancer cell activity by inducing oxidative stress-mediated paraptosis-like cell death Oncotarget | |
Phytoagent deoxyelephantopin and its derivative inhibit triple negative breast cancer cell activity through ROS-mediated exosomal activity and protein functions Frontiers in Pharmacology | |
Phytomedicine polypharmacology: Cancer therapy through modulating the tumor microenvironment and oxylipin dynamics Pharmacology and Therapeutics | |
Novel sesquiterpene lactone analogues as potent anti-breast cancer agents Molecular Oncology | |
A novel plant sesquiterpene lactone derivative DETD-35 suppresses BRAFV600E mutant melanoma growth and overcomes acquired vemurafenib resistance in mice MOLECULAR CANCER THERAPEUTICS | |
Phytomedicine-Modulating oxidative stress and the tumor microenvironment for cancer therapy Pharmacological Research | |
Copper supplementation amplifies the anti-tumor effect of curcumin in oral cancer cells Phytomedicine | |
Structural and functional roles of glycosylation in fungal laccase from Lentinus sp PLoS ONE | |
Simvastatin and a plant galactolipid protect animals from septic shock by regulating oxylipin mediator dynamics through the MAPK-cPLA2 signaling pathway Molecular Medicine | |
Pu-erh tea polysaccharides decrease blood sugar by inhibition alpha-glucosidase activities in vitro and in mice Food & Function | |
New alkaloids from Formosan zoanthid Zoanthus kuroshio Tetrahedron | |
Mechanistic study of the phytocompound, 2-beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy-1-hydroxytrideca-5,7,9,11-tetrayne in human T-Cell acute lymphocytic leukemia cells by using combined differential proteomics and bioinformatics approaches Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine | |
Mammalian target of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2) regulates LPS-induced expression of IL-12 and IL-23 in human dendritic cells Journal of Leukocyte Biology | |
Phytoagents for cancer management: regulation of nucleic acid oxidation, ROS, and related mechanisms Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity | |
Herbal medicine and acupuncture for breast cancer palliative care and adjuvant therapy Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine | |
Hepatoprotective effect and mechanistic insights of deoxyelephantopin, a phyto-sesquiterpene lactone, against fulminant hepatitis Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry | |
A plant kavalactone desmethoxyyangonin prevents inflammation and fulminant hepatitis in mice PLoS ONE | |
Taxol, camptothecin and beyond for cancer therapy Advances in Botanical Research | |
Silibinin and Paclitaxel Cotreatment Significantly Suppress the Activity and Lung Metastasis of Triple Negative 4T1 Mammary Tumor Cell in Mice Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine | |
Recombinant viral protein VP1 suppresses HER-2 expression and migration/metastasis of breast cancer Breast Cancer Research and Treatment | |
Engineering of dual functional hybrid glucanases Protein Engineering Design & Selection | |
Deoxyelephantopin impedes mammary adenocarcinoma cell motility through inhibiting calpain-mediated adhesion dynamics and inducing ROS and aggresome formation Free Radical Biology & Medicine | |
Biochemical characterization of a novel laccase from the basidiomycete fungus Cerrena sp. WR1 Protein Engineering Design & Selection | |
Biological degradation of anthroquinone and azo dyes by a novel laccase from Lentinus sp Environmental Science and Technology | |
Traditional Chinese medicine herbal extracts of Cibotium barometz, Gentiana scabra, Dioscorea batatas, Cassia tora, and Taxillus chinensis inhibit SARS-CoV replication Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine | |
Structural basis for the inhibition of 1,3-1,4-β-D-glucanase by noncompetitive calcium ion and competitive Tris inhibitors Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication | |
Dioscorea phytocompounds enhance murine splenocyte proliferation ex vivo and improve regeneration of bone marrow cells in vivo Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine | |
Crystal structures of the laminarinase catalytic domain from Thermotoga maritima MSB8 in complex with inhibitors: essential residues for β-1,3 and β-1,4 glucan selection Journal of Biological Chemistry | |
A sesquiterpenol extract potently suppresses inflammation in macrophages and mice skin and prevents chronic liver damage in mice through JNK-dependent HO-1 expression Phytochemistry | |
Echinacea alkamides prevent lipopolysaccharide/D-galactosamineinduced acute hepatic injury through JNK pathway-mediated HO-1 expression Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | |
Use of Anoectochilus formosanus plant extracts and their derived fractions as herbal medicines or nutraceutical supplements for tumor prevention/treatment Malaysia patent | |
Taiwanin A inhibits MCF-7 cancer cell activity through induction of oxidative stress, upregulation of DNA damage checkpoint kinases, and activation of p53 and FasL/Fas signaling pathways Phytomedicine | |
Structural and catalytic roles of amino acid residues located at substrate binding pocket in Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-beta-D-glucanase PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics | |
Deoxyelephantopin, a novel multifunctional agent suppresses mammary tumor growth and lung metastasis and doubles survival time in mice British Journal of Pharmacology | |
Current research and development of chemotherapeutic agents for melanoma Cancers | |
Differential proteomic profiling identifies novel molecular targets of paclitaxel and phytoagent deoxyelephantopin against mammary adenocarcinoma cells Journal of Proteome Research | |
Comparative metabolomics approach coupled with cell- and gene-based assays for species classification and anti-inflammatory bioactivity validation of Echinacea plants Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry | |
Use of Anoectochilus formosanus plant extracts and their derived fractions as herbal medicines or nutraceutical supplements for tumor prevention/treatment PRC patent issued No. CN ZL03158682. 1 | |
Use of Anoectochilus formosanus plant extracts and their derived fractions as herbal medicines or nutraceutical supplements for tumor prevention/treatment Australia patent issued No. AU 2003244587 | |
Truncated glucanase with enhanced activity and method for making the same (US patent issued No. 7037696) (ROC patent issued No. 201683) (Two technology licensing/transfer to local biotech companies) | |
Truncated 1,3-1,4-beta- D-glucanase US patent issued No. 7,527,958 | |
Structural and catalytic roles of residues located in beta-13 strand and the following beta-turn loop in Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-beta-D-glucanase BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS | |
Cancer and inflammatory disorder treatment S patent issued No. 7547455 and ROC patents pending | |
Pure compounds (2-D-glucopyranosyloxy-1-hydroxytrideca-5,7,9,11-triyne and 3-D- glucopyranosyloxy-1-hydroxy-6(E)-tetradecene-8,10,12-triyne) and n-butanol fraction from Bidens pilosa Linn var radiate can prevent Th1-mediated autoimmune disease via suppressing Th1 cell differentiation and/or promoting Th2 cell differentiation (US and ROC patents pending) (One technology licensing/transfer to local biotech company) | |
Immunomodulatory phytocompounds and the highly efficient platform to screen the same US patent pending | |
Mutational and structural studies of the active-site residues in truncated Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3–1,4-β-D-glucanase ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION D-BIOLOGICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY | |
Methods for enhancing proliferation of bone marrow cells or spleen cells with an ethanol-insoluble extract of Dioscorea (US patent issued No: 7,419,690 B2; ROC patent pending) (One technology licensing/transfer to local biotech company) | |
Metabolomics for phytomedicine research and drug development CURRENT OPINION IN CHEMICAL BIOLOGY | |
Hepatoprotective phytocompounds from Cryptomeria japonica are potent modulators of inflammatory mediators PHYTOCHEMISTRY | |
Genomics and proteomics of immune modulatory effects of a butanol fraction of Echinacea purpurea in human dendritic cells BMC Genomics | |
Effect of phytocompounds from the heartwood of Acacia confusa on inflammatory mediator production Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | |
A novel diterpene suppresses CWR22Rv1 tumor growth in vivo through antiproliferation and proapoptosis Cancer Research | |
Immunomodulatory effects of phytocompounds characterized by in vivo transgenic human GM-CSF promoter activity in skin tissues Journal of Biomedical Science | |
Structural modeling of glucanasesubstrate complexes reveals residue Tyr177 in barley 1,3-1,4-beta-D-glucanase plays an important role in carbohydrate recognition Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design | |
Specific terpenoids and lignoids possess antiviral activities against SARS coronavirus Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | |
Specific plant terpenoids and lignoids possess antiviral activities against SARS coronavirus Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | |
Flavonoids, centaurein and centaureidin, from Bidens pilosa, stimulate IFN-gamma expression Journal of Ethnopharmacology | |
Effects of Chamaecyparis formosensis Matasumura extractives on lipopolysaccharide-induced release of nitric oxide Phytomedicine | |
Cytopiloyne, a novel polyacetylenic glucoside from Bidens pilosa, functions as a T helper cell modulator Journal of Ethnopharmacology | |
A galactolipid possesses novel cancer chemopreventive effects by suppressing inflammatory mediators and mouse B16 melanoma Cancer Research | |
A novel polyacetylene significantly inhibits angiogenesis and promotes apoptosis in human endothelial cells through activation of the CDK inhibitors and caspase-7 Planta Medica | |
Use of Anoectochilus formosanus plant extracts and their derived fractions as herbal medicines or nutraceutical supplements for chemoprevention or treatment of human malignancies (US patent issued No. 7033617; Singapore patent issued No. 120937; PRC patent issued No. CN ZL03158682. 1) (One technology licensing/transfer to local biotech company) | |
Modulatory effects of Echinacea purpurea extracts on human dendritic cells: A cell- and gene-based study Genomics | |
The distinct effects of a butanol fraction of Bidens pilosa plant extract on the development of Th1-mediated diabetes and Th2-mediated airway inflammation in mice Journal of Biomedical Science | |
The distinct effects of a butanol fraction of Bidens pilosa extract on the development of Th1-mediated diabetes and Th2-mediated airway inflammation in mice Journal of Biomedical Science | |
The distinct effects of a butanol fraction of Bidens pilosa extract on the development of Th1-mediated diabetes and Th2-mediated airway inflammation in mice Journal of Biomedical Science | |
Phenolic antioxidants from the heatwood of Acacia confusa Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | |
Phenolic Antioxidants From the Heartwood of Acacia confusa Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | |
Ethyl caffeate suppresses NF-B activation and its downstream inflammatory mediators, iNOS, COX-2, and PGE2 in vitro or in mouse skin British Journal of Pharmacology | |
Ethyl caffeate suppress NF B activation and its downstream inflammatory mediators, iNOS, COX-2 and PGE2 in vitro or in mouse skin British Journal of Pharmacology | |
Crystal structure of truncated Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-beta-D-glucanase in complex with beta-1,3-1,4-cellotriose J Mol Biol | |
Crystal structure of truncated Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-1-D-glucanase in complex with -1,3-1,4-cellotriose J. Mol. Biol. | |
Chemical composition of the wood essential oil of Chamaecyparis formosensis Matsum and its antifungal activity Holzforschung | |
Chemical composition of the wood essential oil of Chamaecyparis formosensis Matsum and its antifungal activity Holzforschung | |
A truncated Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-beta-d-glucanase with improved enzymatic activity and thermotolerance Biochemistry | |
A truncated Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-beta-d-glucanase with improved enzymatic activity and thermotolerance Biochemistry | |
A 1,3-1,4-beta-D-glucanase from Fibrobacter succinogenes with improved enzymatic activity and thermotolerance Biochemistry | |
Shikonins, phytocompounds from Lithospermum erythrorhizon, inhibit the transcriptional activation of human tumor necrosis factor alpha promoter in vivo Journal of Biological Chemistry | |
Shikonin, hytocompounds from Lithospermum erythrorhizon, inhibit the transcriptional activation of human tumor necrosis factor Journal of Biological Chemistry | |
Polyacetylenic compounds and butanol fraction from Bidens pilosa can modulate the differentiation of helper T cells and prevent autoimmune diabetes in non-obese diabetic mice Planta Medica | |
Polyacetylenic compound and butanol fraction from Bidens pilosa Linn can modulate the differentiation of helper T cells and prevent autoimmune diabetes in nonobese diabetes mice Planta Medica | |
Polyacetylenic compound and butanol fraction from Bidens pilosa Linn can modulate the differentiation of helper T cells and prevent autoimmune diabetes in nonobese diabetes mice Planta Medica | |
Polyacetylenes function as anti-angiogenic agents PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH | |
Polyacetylenes function as anti-angiogenic agents Pharmaceutical Research | |
Metabolite profiling and chemopreventive bioactivity of plant extracts from Bidens pilosa Journal of Ethnopharmacology | |
Metabolite Profiling and Chemopreventive Bioactivity of Plant Extracts from Bidens pilosa Journal of Ethnopharmacology | |
Medicinal herb extract and a single-compound drug confer similar complex pharmacogenomic activities in MCF-7 cells Journal of Biomedical Science | |
Induction of specific apoptotic pathways in MCF-7 cells by phytochemicals from medicinal herb Anoectochilus formosanus Journal of Biomedical Science | |
Induction of apoptosis in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells by phytochemicals from Anoectochilus formosanus J. Biomed. Sci. | |
Antioxidant activity of extracts from Calocedrus formosana leaf, bark and heartwood Journal of Wood Science | |
Antioxidant Activity of Extracts from Calocedrus formosana Leaf, Bark and Heartwood JOURNAL OF WOOD SCIENCE | |
Tissue Array Transgene Expression System for the Evaluation of Effect of Medicinal Herbs on Wound-healing J. Genet. Mol. Biol. | |
Tissue array transgene expression system for the evaluation of effect of medicinal herbs on wound-healing J Genet Mol Biol | |
Shikonins, phytocompounds from Lithospermum erythrorhizon, inhibit the transcriptional activation of human tumor necrosis factor alpha promoter in vivo Journal of Biological Chemistry | |
Crystal structure of a natural circularly-permutated jellyroll protein: 1,3-1,4-b-D-glucanase from Fibrobacter succinogenes JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY | |
Antioxidant properties and phytochemical characteristics of extracts from Lactuca indica Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | |
Profiling and characterization of antioxidant activities in Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | |
Mutagenesis of Trp(54) and Trp(203) residues on Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-beta-D-glucanase significantly affects catalytic activities of the enzyme Biochemistry | |
Directed mutagenesis of specific active site residues on Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-b-D-glucanase significantly affects catalysis and enzyme structural stability Journal of Biological Chemistry | |
Crystallization of the 1,3-1,4-b-D-glucanase from Fibrobacter succinogenes ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION D-BIOLOGICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY | |
Antioxidant activity of extracts from Acacia confusa bark and heartwood Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | |
Antioxidant Activity of Abietane-Type Diterpenes from Heartwood of Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata Holzforschung | |
榮獲科技部2020年生命科學領域最具影響力專書 (編輯委員) “Medicinal Plants and Fungi -Recent Advances in Research and Development”, Co-editors | |
Phytogalactolipid dLGG inhibits mouse melanoma brain metastasis through regulating oxylipin activity and re-programming macrophage polarity in the tumor microenvironment Cancers | |
Current advancements of plant-derived agents for triple-negative breast cancer therapy through deregulating cancer cell functions and reprogramming tumor microenvironment International Journal of Molecular Sciences | |
Sesquiterpene lactone deoxyelephantopin isolated from Elephantopus scaber and its derivative DETD-35 suppress BRAFV600E mutant melanoma lung metastasis in mice International Journal of Molecular Sciences | |
Extract of white sweet potato tuber against TNF-α-induced insulin resistant by activating the PI3K/Akt pathway in C2C12 myotubes BOTANICAL STUDIES | |
White sweet potato ameliorates hyperglycemia and regenerates pancreatic islets in diabetic mice Food & Nutrition Research | |
Transformation and characterization of 12-fatty acid acetylenase and 12-oleate desaturase potentially involved in the polyacetylene biosynthetic pathway from Bidens pilosa Plants | |
Elucidation of enzymes involved in the biosynthetic pathway of bioactive polyacetylenes in Bidens pilosa using integrated omics approaches Journal of Experimental Botany | |
Deregulating the CYP2C19/epoxyeicosatrienoic acid-associated FABP4/FABP5 signaling network as a therapeutic approach for metastatic triple negative breast cancer Cancers | |
Association of arachidonic acid-derived lipid mediators with subsequent onset of acute myocardial infarction in patients with stable coronary artery disease SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | |
Integrated omics-based pathway analyses uncover CYP epoxygenase-associated networks as theranostic targets for metastatic triple negative breast cancer Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research | |
植物半乳糖脂dLGG 藉由負調節TNF-α介導肺血管通透性與循環oxylipin的動態平衡來抑制黑色素瘤在小鼠體內的肺轉移 | |
有效抑制BRAF 突變及抗標靶藥 Vemurafenib黑色素腫瘤之新穎植物倍半萜內酯衍生物 | |
有效抑制BRAF 突變及抗標靶藥 Vemurafenib黑色素腫瘤之新穎植物倍半萜內酯衍生物 | |
降低膽固醇藥simvastatin與昭和草活性成分對治療動物敗血症之新穎功效與作用機制 | |
開發優質本土真菌漆化酵素用於生物復育及紙漿脫色 | |
地膽草之倍半萜成分具優良抑制乳癌的功能 | |
倍半萜化學成分 DET 與化療藥紫杉醇調控乳癌細胞之蛋白質體研究 | |
昭和草之癌症化學預防活性科學驗證與分子作用機制研究 | |
National Innovation and Advancement Award, 2020 國家新創精進獎 | |
The 16th National Innovation Award on Biopharmaceuticals and Precision Medicine, 2019 第十六屆國家新創獎 | |
National Innovation and Advancement Award, 2019 國家新創精進獎 | |
Tien-Der Lee Outstanding Biomedical Award, 2018 永信李天德卓越醫藥科技獎 | |
National Invention and Creation Award, Invention Silver Award, 2014 國家創新發明獎 | |
The 10th National Innovation Award on Agricultural Biotechnology, 2013 第十屆國家新創獎 | |
Distinguished Young Investigator Award of Academia Sinica, 2003 年輕學者著作獎 | |
新穎倍半?類化合物用於炎症與癌症之治療 Novel sesquiterpene derivatives and their use in inflammation or cancer treatment Taiwan I535725 徐麗芬,李國雄,後藤(中川)享子,馮家華,陳若羽,李慧玲,鄭聿廷,黃菁盈 | |
Novel Fungal Laccases and Uses Thereof USA-regular US8728787 徐麗芬 | |
新穎真菌漆化酵素及其用途 Taiwan TW I 410492 徐麗芬 | |
高效率優質漆化酵素 Novel laccases from Lentinus sp. USA-regular US8,492,131 徐麗芬 | |
免疫調節之組合物 Taiwan TW I 377347 楊文欽,張書林,江一民,徐麗芬 | |
免疫調節之組合物 Taiwan TW I 369497 楊文欽,張書林,江一民,徐麗芬 | |
BUTANOL EXTRACT OF BIDENS PILOSA USA-regular US 8048860 徐麗芬,江一民,張書林,張力天,楊文欽 | |
Treatment of Cancer and Inflammatory Disorder Treatment of Cancer and Inflammatory Disorder USA-regular US8048455 徐麗芬,侯珈禎,吳志鴻,陳奕平,王升陽,黃啟彰,楊寧蓀 | |
Use of Anoecttochilus formosanus plant extracts and their derived fractions as herbal medicine or nutraceutical supplements for chemoprevention or treatment of human malignancies Indonesia ID P 0026520 徐麗芬 | |
具抗癌及抗發炎活性之萃取物及半乳糖脂之組合物 Taiwan I347192 徐麗芬,侯珈禎,王升陽,吳志鴻,陳奕平,黃啟彰,楊寧蓀 | |
咸豐草之正丁醇萃取物 Taiwan TW I 347191 楊文欽,張書林,徐麗芬,江一民,張力天 | |
山藥萃取物 Taiwan TW I 345471 楊寧蓀,徐麗芬,辛哈約克,蘇佩芬,李青晉 | |
Use of Anoecttochilus formosanus plant extracts and their derived fractions as herbal medicine or nutraceutical supplements for chemoprevention or treatment of human malignancies Malaysia MY-142178-A 徐麗芬 | |
Immunomodulatory Compositions USA-regular 7691575 楊文欽,張書林,江一民,徐麗芬 | |
Use of Anoecttochilus formosanus plant extracts and their derived fractions as herbal medicine or nutraceutical supplements for chemoprevention or treatment of human malignancies Australia AU 2003244587 徐麗芬 | |
CANCER AND INFLAMMATORY DISORDER TREATMENT USA-regular US7547455 徐麗芬,侯珈禎,王升陽,吳志鴻,陳奕平,黃啟彰,楊寧蓀 | |
Truncated 1, 3-1,4-b-d-glucanase USA-regular 7527958 徐麗芬,陳瑞麟,楊寧蓀 | |
Use of Anoecttochilus formaosanus plant extracts and their derived fractions as herbal medicine or nutraceutical supplements for chemoprevention or treatment of human malignancies China CN 100475753C 徐麗芬 | |
Dioscorea Extracts USA-regular 7419690 楊寧蓀,徐麗芬,辛哈約克,蘇佩芬,李青晉 | |
利用金線連植物萃取 物為癌症預防(治療)之藥物或功能性食品 Singapore 120937 徐麗芬 | |
Truncated 1, 3-1,4-b-d-glucanase USA-regular US 7,037,696 B1 徐麗芬,陳瑞麟,楊寧蓀 | |
Use of Anoectochilus Formosanus Plant Extracts and Their Derived Fractions as Herbal Medicines or Nutraceutical Supplements for Chemoprevention or Treatment of Human Malignancies USA-regular US 7,033,617 B2 徐麗芬 | |
提高比活性及熱耐受性之截短型沙斯諾金纖維分解菌1,3-1,4-b-D-葡聚醣酵素 Taiwan 發明第201683號 徐麗芬,陳瑞麟,楊寧蓀 | |
地膽草倍半萜內酯deoxyelephantopin及其衍生物 DETD-35 抑制BRAFV600E突變種黑色素瘤在小鼠體內之肺轉移 International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22(6), 3226 | ![]() |
恭賀 徐麗芬特聘研究員與梁佑全研究副技師榮獲「2020國家新創精進獎」。 | ![]() |