農生中心相片 點選關閉


論文著作 (2024-02-16)
Safe Farming: Ultrafine Bubble Water Reduces Insect Infestation and Improves Melon Yield and Quality
論文著作 (2023-01-20)
Sugars and sucrose transporters in pollinia of Phalaenopsis aphrodite (Orchidaceae)
J Exp Bot
論文著作 (2023)
Sugars and Sucrose Transporters in Pollinia of Phalaenopsis aphrodite (Orchidaceae)
Journal of Experimental Botany
論文著作 (2022-01-18)
Photosynthetic and Morphological Responses of Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.) to Waterlogging Stress
論文著作 (2019)
From Functional Genomics to Biotechnology in Ornamental Plants
Frontiers in Plant Science
論文著作 (2019)
Environmental biosafety assessment on transgenic Oncidium orchid modified by RNA interference of Phytoene Synthase genes
Plant Biotechnology
論文著作 (2019)
Spike Activator 1, Encoding a bHLH, Mediates Axillary Bud Development and Spike Initiation in Phalaenopsis aphrodite
Int J Mol Sci
論文著作 (2019)
Phototropins mediate chloroplast movement in Phalaenopsis aphrodite (moth orchid)
Plant & Cell Physiology
論文著作 (2017)
Tightly controlled expression of bHLH142 is essential for timely tapetal programmed cell death and pollen development in rice
Frontiers in Plant Science
論文著作 (2016)
Hybrid-Cut: An Improved Sectioning Method for Recalcitrant Plant Tissue Samples
JoVE-Journal of visualized experiments
論文著作 (2016)
Transcriptome-wide analysis of the MADS-box gene family in the orchid Erycina pusilla
Plant Biotechnology Journal
論文著作 (2016)
Efficient and heritable transformation of Phalaenopsis orchids
Botanical Studies
論文著作 (2014)
Genome-wide annotation, expression profiling, and protein interaction studies of the core cell-cycle genes in Phalaenopsis aphrodite
Plant Molecular Biology
論文著作 (2014)
BeMADS1 is a key to delivery MADSs into nucleus in reproductive tissues-De novo characterization of Bambusa edulis transcriptome and study of MADS genes in bamboo floral development
BMC Plant Biology
論文著作 (2014)
A Positive Feedback Loop between HSP101 and HSA32 Modulates Long-Term Acquired Thermotolerance Illustrating Diverse Heat Stress Responses in Rice Varieties
Plant Physiology
論文著作 (2014)
The bHLH142 Transcription Factor Coordinates with TDR1 to Modulate the Expression of EAT1 and Regulate Pollen Development in Rice
Plant Cell
論文著作 (2010)
Complex regulation of two target genes encoding SPX-MFS proteins by rice miR827 in response to phosphate starvation
Plant Cell Physiol
論文著作 (2008)
Overexpression of Arabidopsis tryptophan synthase beta 1 (AtTSB1) in Arabidopsis and tomato confers tolerance to cadmium stress
Plant Cell & Environment
論文著作 (2006)
Isolation and characterization of tomato Hsa32 encoding a novel heat-shock protein
Plant Science
論文著作 (2006)
Arabidopsis Hsa32, a novel heat shock protein, is essential for acquired thermotolerance during long recovery after acclimation
Plant Physiology
論文著作 (2021)
Rice transcription factor GAMYB modulates bHLH142 and is homeostatically regulated by TDR during anther tapetal and pollen development
Journal of Experimental Botany
論文著作 (2020)
Blue Light Mediates Chloroplast Avoidance and Enhances Photoprotection of Vanilla Orchid
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
論文著作 (2020)
Upstream Open Reading Frame and Phosphate-Regulated Expression of Rice OsNLA1 Controls Phosphate Transport and Reproduction
Plant Physiology
論文著作 (2020)
Blue Light Acclimation Reduces the Photoinhibition of Phalaenopsis aphrodite (Moth Orchid)
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
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