母體效應導致Ospho1;2水稻突變體穀粒充填的缺陷 New Phytologist, 244(2): 351-357 | ![]() |
恭喜本中心主任葉國楨老師業經院方核定自113年7月30日起聘任為特聘研究員。 | ![]() |
Physiology and molecular basis of thallium toxicity and accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety | |
【葉國楨實驗室】誠徵博士後與研究助理 | |
Temporal transformation of indium speciation in rice paddy soils and spatial distribution of indium in rice rhizosphere Environmental Pollution | |
Insight into the mechanism of indium toxicity in rice Journal of Hazardous Materials | |
Soil gallium speciation and resulting gallium uptake by rice plants Journal of Hazardous Materials | |
Arabidopsis BRUTUS-LIKE E3 ligases negatively regulate iron uptake by targeting transcription factor FIT for recycling PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | |
S-nitrosoglutathione works downstream of nitric oxide to mediate iron deficiency signaling in Arabidopsis Plant Journal | |
Triplin, a small molecule, reveals copper ion transport in ethylene signaling from ATX1 to RAN1 PLOS Genetics | |
Effect of Gallium Exposure in Arabidopsis thaliana is Similar to Aluminum Stress Environmental Science and Technology | |
Role of root exudates in metal acquisition and tolerance Current Opinion in Plant Biology | |
Evolutionary analysis of Fe acquisition system in Marchantia polymorpha New Phytologist | |
Identification of metal species by ESI-MS/MS through release of free metals from the corresponding metal-ligand complexes Scientific Reports | |
Glutathione plays an essential role in nitric oxide-mediated iron deficiency signaling and iron deficiency tolerance in Arabidopsis The Plant Journal | |
Alternative Functions of Arabidopsis Yellow Stripe-like3: from Metal Translocation to Pathogen Defense PLoS ONE | |
Root-secreted nicotianamine from Arabidopsis halleri facilitates zinc hypertolerance by regulating zinc bioavailability Plant Physiology | |
Iron is involved in maintenance of circadian period length in Arabidopsis Plant Physiology | |
A vicilin-like seed storage protein, PAP85, is involved in Tobacco mosaic virus replication JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY | |
Control of Zn uptake in Arabidopsis halleri: a balance between Zn and Fe Frontiers in Plant Science | |
IRT1 DEGRADATION FACTOR 1, a RING E3 ubiquitin ligase, regulates the degradation of IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER 1 in Arabidopsis Plant Cell | |
ZINC TOLERANCE INDUCED BY IRON 1 reveals the importance of glutathione in the cross homeostasis between zinc and iron in Arabidopsis thaliana Plant Journal | |
Copper chaperone antioxidant protein1 is essential for copper homeostasis Plant Physiology | |
Overexpression of Arabidopsis ATX1 retards plant growth under severe copper deficiency Plant Signaling & Behavior | |
A sensitive LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS method for the detection of phytosiderophores and their iron complexes in roots New Phytologist | |
Differential expression and regulation of iron regulated metal transporters in Arabidopsis halleri and Arabidopsis thaliana – the role in zinc tolerance New Phytologist | |
Arabidopsis SUMO E3 ligase SIZ1 is involved in excess copper tolerance Plant Physiology | |
Effect of Cu content on the activity of Cu/ZnSOD1 in the arabidopsis SUMO E3 ligase siz1 mutant Plant Signaling & Behavior | |
Model Evaluation of the Phytoextraction Potential of Heavy Metal Hyperaccumulators and Non-hyperaccumulators Environmental Pollution | |
Arabidopsis IRT3 is a zinc-regulated and plasma membrane localized zinc/iron transporter New Phytologist | |
Genomics and proteomics of immune modulatory effects of a butanol fraction of echinacea purpurea in human dendritic cells BMC Genomics | |
Isolation and characterization of tomato Hsa32 encoding a novel heat-shock protein Plant Science | |
Proteomic survey of copper-binding proteins in Arabidopsis roots by immobilized metal affinity chromatography and mass spectrometry PROTEOMICS | |
Modulatory effe cts of Echinacea purpurea extracts on human dendritic cells: A cell- and gene-based study Genomics | |
Genes Associated with Heavy Metal Tolerance and Accumulation in Zn/Cd Hyperaccumulator Arabidopsis halleri: A Genomic Survey with cDNA Microarray ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | |
科技部傑出研究獎 | |
Insight into the mechanism of indium toxicity in rice Journal of Hazardous Materials | |
Soil Gallium Speciation and Resulting Gallium Uptake by Rice Plants Journal of Hazardous Materials | |
恭賀!本中心葉國楨主任榮獲110年度科技部傑出研究獎。 | ![]() |
組蛋白 H3的離胺酸4三甲基化調節GRF11 基因表現對於阿拉伯芥缺鐵反應的必要性 | |
Divalent nutrient cations: Friend and foe during zinc stress in rice Plant Cell & Environment | |
Histone H3 lysine4 trimethylation‐regulated GRF11 expression is essential for the iron deficiency response in Arabidopsis thaliana New Phytologist | |
Assessment of indium toxicity to the model plant Arabidopsis Journal of Hazardous Materials | |
The dual benefit of a dominant mutation in Arabidopsis IRON DEFICIENCY TOLERANT1 for iron biofortification and heavy metal phytoremediation Plant Biotechnology Journal | |
A HemK class glutamine-methyltransferase is involved in the termination of translation and essential for iron homeostasis in Arabidopsis New Phytologist | |
Indium Uptake and Accumulation by Rice and Wheat and Health Risk Associated with Their Consumption Environmental Science & Technology | |
Small-Molecules Selectively Modulate Iron-Deficiency Signaling Networks in Arabidopsis Frontiers in Plant Science | |
植物基因IRON DEFICIENCY TOLERANT1於鐵強化作物及重金屬植生復育的應用 | |
穀胱甘肽對缺鐵訊息分子一氧化氮累積的必要性 | |
重金屬高富集植物根部分泌物nicotianamine與過量鋅的耐受性相關 | |
植物根部鐵吸收轉運子的降解調控 | |
微量營養素鐵與生物時鐘 | |
微量營養元素-銅-對植物生長最佳化的貢獻:銅伴蛋白的生物功能 | |
建立一個有效率又敏感LC-ESI-TOF-MS質譜方法以直接偵測根的分泌物 | |
Zn/Cd 高累植物A. halleri維持鐵的恆定的抗鋅機制 | |
SUMOylation 與植物內重金屬銅抗性,運送及分佈的關係 | |
Glutathione在植物鋅、鐵恆定上扮演重要角色 | |
阿拉伯芥受鋅調控且位於細胞膜的鋅/鐵運輸蛋白IRT3 | |
一個能讓我們更精確預測植生復育的效率的方法 | |
重金屬螯合序列之分析 | |
科技部尖端研究計畫 | |
科技部傑出研究獎 | |
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Metal-binding motif composition and method USA-regular US7659362 葉國楨,龔政哲 | |
金屬鍵結區域之組合物及方法 Taiwan I312784 葉國楨,龔政哲 |