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Cheng, S.-C.; Cheng, T.-L.; Chang, H.-C.; Shiea, J.* (2009) Using Laser-Induced Acoustic Desorption/Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry to Characterize Small Organic and Large Biological Compounds in the Solid State and in Solution under Ambient Conditions. Anal. Chem, 81, 868-874
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Shyur, L.-F.*, Yang, N.-S., Kang, P.-L., Sun, S.-J., Wang, S.-Y. (2009) Use of Anoectochilus formosanus plant extracts and their derived fractions as herbal medicines or nutraceutical supplements for tumor prevention/treatment. PRC patent issued No. CN ZL03158682. 1, 中國專利
Shyur, L.-F.*, Yang, N.-S., Kang, P.-L., Sun, S.-J., Wang, S.-Y. (2009) Use of Anoectochilus formosanus plant extracts and their derived fractions as herbal medicines or nutraceutical supplements for tumor prevention/treatment. Australia patent issued No. AU 2003244587, 澳洲專利
Shyur, L.-F.*, Chen, J.-L., and Yang, N.-S. (2009) Truncated glucanase with enhanced activity and method for making the same. (US patent issued No. 7037696) (ROC patent issued No. 201683) (Two technology licensing/transfer to local biotech companies), No. 7037696 and No. 201683
Shyur, L.-F.*, Wen, T.-N., Lee, S.-H., and Yang, N.-S. (2009) Truncated 1,3-1,4-beta- D-glucanase. US patent issued No. 7,527,958, No. 7,527,958
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Aravindaram K, Yu H-H, Lan C-W, Wang P-H, Chen Y-H, Hui-Ming Chen, Yagita H, Yang N-S (2009) Transgenic expression of human gp100 and RANTES at specific time points for suppression of melanoma. Gene Therapy, 16(11), 1329-1339
Chi WT, Fung RWM, Liu HC, Hsu CC, and Charng YY* (2009) Temperature-Induced Lipocalin Is Required for Basal and Acquired Thermotolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell & Environment, 32(7), 917-927
Fu-Hui Wu, Shu-Chen Shen, Lan-Ying Lee, Shu-Hong Lee, Ming-Tsair Chan and Choun-Sea Lin* (2009) Tape-Arabidopsis Sandwich - a simpler Arabidopsis protoplast isolation method. Plant Methods, 5, 16
Lin, Y.-S., Tsai, L.-C., Lee, S.-H., Yuan, H. S., and Shyur, L.-F.* (2009) Structural and catalytic roles of residues located in beta-13 strand and the following beta-turn loop in Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-beta-D-glucanase. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS, 1790(4), 231-239
Sung HM, Wang TY, Wang D, Huang YS, Wu JP, Tsai HK, Tzeng J, Huang CJ, Lee YC, Yang P, Hsu J, Chang T, Cho CY, Weng LC, Lee TC, Chang TH, Li WH, Shih MC (2009) Roles of trans and cis variation in yeast intraspecies evolution of gene expression. Molecular biology and evolution, 26(11), 2533-2538
Chang, S.L., Chang, C.L.T., Huang, P.I., Tao, M.H., Yang, W.C. (2009) Role of Cybr, a cytohesin binder and regulator, in CD4+ T-cell function and host immunity. MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY, 46, 3218-3223
Goh CH, Jang S, Jung S, Kim HS, Kang HG, Park YI, Bae HJ, Lee CH, An G (2009) Rice phot1a mutation reduces plant growth by affecting photosynthetic responses to light during early seedling growth. Plant Molecular Biology, 69(5), 605-619
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Huang CY, Chung CI, Lin YC, Hsing YI, Huang AH (2009) Oil bodies and oleosins in Physcomitrella possess characteristics representative of early trends in evolution. Plant Physiology, 150(3), 1192-1203
H. M. Liang, T. H. Lin, J. M. Chiou, and K. C. Yeh* (2009) Model Evaluation of the Phytoextraction Potential of Heavy Metal Hyperaccumulators and Non-hyperaccumulators. Environmental Pollution, 157, 1945-1952
Hughes CC, Yang YL, Liu WT, Dorrestein PC, La Clair JJ, Fenical W (2009) Marinopyrrole A target elucidation by acyl dye transfer. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(34), 12094-12096
Esquenazi E, Yang YL, Watrous J, Gerwick WH, Dorrestein PC (2009) Imaging mass spectrometry of natural products. Natural product reports, 26(12), 1521-1534
De Schutter K, Lin YC, Tiels P, Van Hecke A, Glinka S, Weber-Lehmann J, Rouze P, Van de Peer Y, Callewaert N (2009) Genome sequence of the recombinant protein production host Pichia pastoris. Nature biotechnology, 27(6), 561-566
Jang S, Torti S, Coupland G (2009) Genetic and spatial interactions between FT, TSF and SVP during the early stages of floral induction in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal, 60, 614–625
Yang YL, Liao WY, Liu WY, Liaw CC, Shen CN, Huang ZY, Wu SH (2009) Discovery of new natural products by intact-cell mass spectrometry and LC-SPE-NMR: malbranpyrroles, novel polyketides from thermophilic fungus Malbranchea sulfurea. Chemistry-A European Journal, 15(43), 11573-11580
Wang, J., Yeh, H.H. and Falk, B.W. (2009) Cis-preferential replication of Lettuce infectious yellows virus (LIYV) RNA 1: the initial step in the asynchronous replication of the LIYV genomic RNAs. Virology, 386(1), 217-223
Shyur, L.-F.*, Hou, C.-C., Wu, J.-H., Chen, Y.-P., Wang, S.-Y., Huang, C.-C., and Yang, N.-S. (2009) Cancer and inflammatory disorder treatment. S patent issued No. 7547455 and ROC patents pending, No. 7547455
Huang YC, Hwang TL, Chang CS, Yang YL, Shen CN, Liao WY, Chen SC, Liaw CC (2009) Anti-inflammatory flavonoids from the rhizomes of Helminthostachys zeylanica. Journal of Natural Products, 72(7), 1273-1278
Huang CY, Liang CM, Chu CL, Liang SM* (2009) Albumin fibrillization induces apoptosis via integrin/FAK/Akt pathway. BMC Biotechnology, 0.376388889
Tai-Lung Cha*, Mei-Jen Chuang, Sheng-Tang Wu, Guang-Huan Sun, Sun-Yran Chang, Dah-ShyongYu, Shih-Ming Huang, Steven Kuan-Hua Huan, Tse-Chou Cheng, Tzu-Ting Chen, Pao-Luo Fan, Pei-Wen Hsiao (2009) Dual Degradation of Aurora A and B Kinases by the Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor LBH589 Induces G2-M Arrest and Apoptosis of Renal Cancer Cells. CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, 15(3), 840-850
Y.-F. Lin, H.-M. Liang, S.-Y Yang, A. Bährecke , S. Clemens, C.-C Chen, J.-L. Huang and K.-C. Yeh* (2009) Arabidopsis IRT3 is a zinc-regulated and plasma membrane localized zinc/iron transporter. New Phytologist, 182, 392-404
Lan TH, Hong PI, Huang, CC, Chang WC, and Lin CS* (2009) Developmentof a system for high-frequency direct somatic embryogenesis from leaf tissues of Drimiopsis kirkii Baker (Giant Squill) . IN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-PLANT, 45(1), 44-47
Wu FH, Kan DP, Lee SB, Daniell H, Lee YW, Lin CC, Lin NS, Lin CS* (2009) Complete nucleotide sequence of Dendrocalamus latiflorus and Bambusa oldhamii chloroplast genomes. Tree physiology, 29(6), 847-856
Y.J. Hsua, T.H. Lee, C.L.T.Chang, Y.T.Huang, W.C. Yang (2009) Anti-hyperglycemic effects and mechanism of Bidens pilosa water extract. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 122(2), 379-383
Aravindaram K, Kuo TY, Lan CW, Yu HH, Wang PH, Chen YS, Chen GHC, Yang NS* (2009) Protective immunity against porcine circovirus 2 in mice induced by a gene-based combination vaccination. The Journal of Gene Medicine, 11(4), 288-301
Wei-Yi Lin, Shu-I Lin, Tzyy-Jen Chiou* (2009) Molecular Regulators of Phosphate Homeostasis in Plants. Journal of Experimental Botany, 60(5), 1427-1438
Hsin-Mei Wang, Wan-Chun Yin, Chen-Kuen Wang and Kin-Ying To* (2009) Isolation of functional RNA from different tissues of tomato suitable for developmental profiling by microarray analysis. Botanical Studies, 50, 115-125
IS Ng, CW Li, YF Yeh, PT Chen, JL Chir,CH Ma, SM Yu, TH D Ho*, "CG Tong"* (2009) A novel endoglucanase from the thermophilic bacterium Geobacillus sp. 70PC53 with high activity and stability over a broad range of temperatures. Extremophiles, 13(3), 425-435
Tzu-Yin. Liu, Chiung-Yun. Chang, Tzyy-Jen Chiou* (2009) The Long-distance Signaling of Mineral Macronutrients. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 12(3), 312-319
Yang NS*, Wang CY, Chiu SC, Shyur LF (2009) Functional genomics of immuno-modulatory activities of medicinal plant extracts/phytocompounds in human dendritic cells/monocytes. Planta Medica, 75(9), SL45
S.C.Chien, P. H. Young,Y.J.Hsu, C.H.Chen, T.H.Li, C.W. Yang, P. Marimuthu, L.F.Tsai and W.C. Yang (2009) Anti-diabetic properties of three common Bidens pilosa variants in Taiwan. PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 70(10), 1246-1254
Cheng YC, Liang CM, Chen YP, Tsai IH, Kuo CC*, Liang SM* (2009) F-spondin plays a critical role in Murine Neurobolastoma survival by maintaining IL-6 expression. JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY, 110(3), 947-955
Chin-Hsien Tsai, Feng-Min Lin, Yu-Chih Yang, Ming-Ting Lee, Tai-Lung Cha, Guan-James Wu, Shih-Chuan Hsieh, Pei-Wen Hsiao* (2009) Herbal Extract of Wedelia chinensis Attenuates Androgen Receptor Activity and Orthotopic Growth of Prostate Cancer in Nude Mice. CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, 15, 5435-5444
Wu FH, Liu NT, Chou SJ, Shen SC, Chang B CH, Pan CY, Lin CS* (2009) Identification of gene transcript accumulation repressed in three albino mutants of Bambusa edulis Munro. JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE, 89, 2308-2316
Fan SC, Lin CS, PK Hsu, Lin SH Tsay YF (2009) Arabidopsis nitrate transporter NRT1.7, expressed in phloem, is responsible for source-to-sink remobilization of nitrate. Plant Cell, 21, 2750-2761
Aravindaram K, Yu HH, Lan CW, Wang PH, Chen YH, Chen HM, Yagita H, Yang NS* (2009) Transgenic expression of human gp100 and RANTES at specific time points for suppression of melanoma. Gene Therapy, 16 (11), 1329-1339
Wu FH, Shen SC, Lee LY, Lee SH, Chan MT, Lin CS* (2009) Tape-Arabidopsis Sandwich - a simpler Arabidopsis protoplast isolation method. Plant Methods, 5(1), 16
L.-C. Hsieh, S.-I. Lin, A C.-C. Shih, J.-W. Chen, W.-Y. Lin, C.-Y. Tseng, W.-H. Li, T.-J. Chiou * (2009) Uncovering small RNA-mediated responses to phosphate-deficiency in Arabidopsis by deep sequencing. Plant Physiology, 151(4), 2120-2132
Yamada, M., Greenham, K., Prigge, M. J., Jensen, P. J. and Estelle, M (2009) The TRANSPORT INHIBITOR RESPONSE2 gene is required for auxin synthesis and diverse aspects of plant development. Plant Physiol, 2009. 151, 168-79
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