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Han Wan‐Yin, Hou Bo‐Han, Lee Wen‐Chi, Chan Tze‐Ching, Lin Tzu‐Hsiang, (Chen Ho‐Ming)* (2023) Arabidopsis mRNA decay landscape shaped by XRN 5′‐3′ exoribonucleases. The Plant Journal, 114(4), 895-913
Hou BH, Tsai YH, Chiang MH, Tsao SM, Huang SH, Chao CP, Chen HM* (2022) Cultivar-specific markers, mutations, and chimerisim of Cavendish banana somaclonal variants resistant to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4. BMC Genomics, 25;23(1):470
Tzean Y, Hou BH, Tsao SM, Chen HM, Cheng AP, Gamboa Chen E, Chou WY, Chao CP, Shen WC, Chen CC, Lee MC, Ashraf I, Yeh HH (2021) Identification of MaWRKY40 and MaDLO1 as effective marker genes for tracking the salicylic acid-mediated immune response in bananas. Phytopathology, 111 (10), 1800-1810
Tzean Yuh, Chang Ho-Hsiung, Tu Tsui-Chin, Hou Bo-Han, Chen Ho-Ming, Chiu Yi-Shu, Chou Wei-Yi, Chang Li, Yeh Hsin-Hung* (2020) Engineering Plant Resistance to Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Thailand Virus Using a Phloem-Specific Promoter Expressing Hairpin RNA. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 33(1),87-97
Lee WC, Hou BH, Hou CY, Tsao SM, Kao P, Chen HM* (2020) Widespread Exon Junction Complex Footprints in the RNA Degradome Mark mRNA Degradation before Steady State Translation. The Plant Cell, 32(4), 904-922
Tzean Y, Lee MC, Jan HH, Chiu YS, Tu TC, Hou BH, Chen HM, Chou CN, Yeh HH* (2019) Cucumber mosaic virus-induced gene silencing in banana. Scientific reports, 9(1), 11553
Yu-Yi Wu, Bo-Han Hou, Wen-Chi Lee, Shin-Hua Lu, Chen-Jui Yang, Herve Vaucheret, Ho-Ming Chen* (2017) DCL2- and RDR6-dependent transitive silencing of SMXL4 and SMXL5 in Arabidopsis dcl4 mutants causes defective phloem transport and carbohydrate over-accumulation. The Plant Journal, 90(6), 1064-1078
Cheng-Yu Hou, Wen-Chi Lee, Hsiao-Chun Chou, Ai-Ping Chen, Shu-Jen Chou, Ho-Ming Chen* (2016) Global Analysis of Truncated RNA Ends Reveals New Insights into Ribosome Stalling in Plants. The Plant Cell, 28(10), 2398-2416
Wen-Chi Lee, Shin-Hua Lu, Ming-Hsuan Lu, Chen-Jui Yang, Shu-Hsing Wu, Ho-Ming Chen* (2015) Asymmetric bulges and mismatches determine 20-nt microRNA formation in plants. RNA biology, 12(9), 1054-66
Hou CY, Wu MT, Lu SH, Hsing YI, Chen HM* (2014) Beyond cleaved small RNA targets: unraveling the complexity of plant RNA degradome data. BMC Genomics, 15(1), 15
Liu MJ., Wu S, Chen HM, Wu SH.* (2012) Widespread translational control contributes to the regulation of Arabidopsis photomorphogenesis. Molecular Systems Biology, 8(566), 1-14
Shivaprasad PV, Chen HM, Patel K, Bond DM, Santos BA, Baulcombe DC* (2012) A MicroRNA Superfamily Regulates Nucleotide Binding Site-Leucine-Rich Repeats and Other mRNAs. The Plant Cell, 24(3), 859-874
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