農生中心相片 點選關閉


論文著作 (2023)
CIPK15-mediated inhibition of NH4+ transport protects Arabidopsis from submergence
論文著作 (2023)
Fluorescent Biosensor Imaging of Nitrate in Arabidopsis thaliana
論文著作 (2022 Oct)
In vivo visualization of nitrate dynamics using a genetically encoded fluorescent biosensor
論文著作 (2022-08)
In vivo visualization of nitrate dynamics using a genetically encoded biosensor
論文著作 (2013)
In vivo biochemistry: applications for small molecule biosensors in plant biology
Current opinion in plant biology
論文著作 (2011)
Integration of nitrogen and potassium signaling
Annual review of plant biology
論文著作 (2010)
Nitrate, ammonium, and potassium sensing and signaling
Current Opinion in Plant Biology
論文著作 (2009)
CHL1 functions as a nitrate sensor in plants
論文著作 (2007)
Nitrate transporters and peptide transporters
FEBS letters
論文著作 (2022)
Concept of Fluorescent Transport Activity Biosensor for the Characterization of the Arabidopsis NPF13 Activity of Nitrate
論文著作 (2021)
Designs, applications, and limitations of genetically encoded fluorescent sensors to explore plant biology
Plant Physiology
論文著作 (2020)
Feedback inhibition of AMT1 NH4+-transporters mediated by CIPK15 kinase
BMC Biology
論文著作 (2020)
Current status of the multinational Arabidopsis community
Plant Direct
論文著作 (2019)
TRANSPORTER OF IBA1 Links Auxin and Cytokinin to Influence Root Architecture
Developmental Cell
論文著作 (2019)
From Bench to Bountiful Harvests. Multinational Arabidopsis Steering Committee (MASC) Annual Report.
Plant Direct.
論文著作 (2017)
Ratiometric Matryoshka biosensors from a nested cassette of green- and orange-emitting fluorescent proteins
Nature Communications
論文著作 (2016)
Design and Functional Analysis of Fluorescent Nitrate and Peptide Transporter Activity Sensors in Yeast Cultures
論文著作 (2014)
Fluorescent sensors for activity and regulation of the nitrate transceptor CHL1/NRT1.1 and oligopeptide transporters.
論文著作 (2014)
Border control--a membrane-linked interactome of Arabidopsis
論文著作 (2013)
Fluorescent sensors reporting the activity of ammonium transceptors in live cells
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