農生中心相片 點選關閉

徵才 2024-07-19
論文著作 (2021)
Arabidopsis UGT76B1 glycosylates N-hydroxy-pipecolic acid and inactivates systemic acquired resistance in tomato
Plant Cell
論文著作 (2019)
An engineered pathway for Nhydroxy- pipecolic acid synthesis enhances systemic acquired resistance in tomato
Science Signaling
論文著作 (2018)
N-hydroxy-pipecolic acid is a mobile metabolite that induces systemic disease resistance in Arabidopsis
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
論文著作 (2018)
Tomato 14-3-3 proteins are required for Xv3 disease resistance and interact with a subset of Xanthomonas euvesicatoria effectors
Mol. Plant-Microbe Inter
論文著作 (2016)
A WD40 protein, AtGHS40, negatively modulates abscisic acid degrading and signaling genes during seedling growth under high glucose conditions
J Plant Res
論文著作 (2014)
AtRH57, a DEAD-box RNA helicase, is involved in feedback inhibition of glucose-mediated abscisic acid accumulation during seedling development and additively affects pre-ribosomal RNA processing with high glucose
Plant J
論文著作 (2014)
Characterization of a lily anther specific gene encoding cytoskeleton-binding glycoproteins and overexpression of the gene causes severe inhibition of pollen tube growth
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徵才 (1)
論文著作 (7)
葉國楨 楊玉良 葉信宏 徐麗芬 邱子珍 常怡雍 楊文欽 蕭培文 詹明才 方素瓊 陳逸然 陳荷明 劉明容 孫德芬 何承訓 林耀正 山田昌史 林于鈴 林哲揚 吳岱娜 陳繪名 陳韻竹 林崇熙 辜瑞雪 梁佑全 董啟功 匡麟芸 鄭思齊 呂冠箴