農生中心相片 點選關閉


論文著作 (2024)
Physiology and molecular basis of thallium toxicity and accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety
論文著作 (2023)
Temporal transformation of indium speciation in rice paddy soils and spatial distribution of indium in rice rhizosphere
Environmental Pollution
論文著作 (2022-05)
Insight into the mechanism of indium toxicity in rice
Journal of Hazardous Materials
論文著作 (2022-02)
Soil gallium speciation and resulting gallium uptake by rice plants
Journal of Hazardous Materials
論文著作 (2019)
Arabidopsis BRUTUS-LIKE E3 ligases negatively regulate iron uptake by targeting transcription factor FIT for recycling
論文著作 (2018)
S-nitrosoglutathione works downstream of nitric oxide to mediate iron deficiency signaling in Arabidopsis
Plant Journal
論文著作 (2017)
Triplin, a small molecule, reveals copper ion transport in ethylene signaling from ATX1 to RAN1
PLOS Genetics
論文著作 (2017)
Effect of Gallium Exposure in Arabidopsis thaliana is Similar to Aluminum Stress
Environmental Science and Technology
論文著作 (2017)
Role of root exudates in metal acquisition and tolerance
Current Opinion in Plant Biology
論文著作 (2016)
Evolutionary analysis of Fe acquisition system in Marchantia polymorpha
New Phytologist
論文著作 (2016)
Identification of metal species by ESI-MS/MS through release of free metals from the corresponding metal-ligand complexes
Scientific Reports
論文著作 (2015)
Glutathione plays an essential role in nitric oxide-mediated iron deficiency signaling and iron deficiency tolerance in Arabidopsis
The Plant Journal
論文著作 (2014)
Alternative Functions of Arabidopsis Yellow Stripe-like3: from Metal Translocation to Pathogen Defense
論文著作 (2014)
Root-secreted nicotianamine from Arabidopsis halleri facilitates zinc hypertolerance by regulating zinc bioavailability
Plant Physiology
論文著作 (2013)
Iron is involved in maintenance of circadian period length in Arabidopsis
Plant Physiology
論文著作 (2013)
A vicilin-like seed storage protein, PAP85, is involved in Tobacco mosaic virus replication
論文著作 (2013)
Control of Zn uptake in Arabidopsis halleri: a balance between Zn and Fe
Frontiers in Plant Science
論文著作 (2013)
IRT1 DEGRADATION FACTOR 1, a RING E3 ubiquitin ligase, regulates the degradation of IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER 1 in Arabidopsis
Plant Cell
論文著作 (2012)
ZINC TOLERANCE INDUCED BY IRON 1 reveals the importance of glutathione in the cross homeostasis between zinc and iron in Arabidopsis thaliana
Plant Journal
論文著作 (2012)
Copper chaperone antioxidant protein1 is essential for copper homeostasis
Plant Physiology
論文著作 (2012)
Overexpression of Arabidopsis ATX1 retards plant growth under severe copper deficiency
Plant Signaling & Behavior
論文著作 (2012)
A sensitive LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS method for the detection of phytosiderophores and their iron complexes in roots
New Phytologist
論文著作 (2011)
Differential expression and regulation of iron regulated metal transporters in Arabidopsis halleri and Arabidopsis thaliana – the role in zinc tolerance
New Phytologist
論文著作 (2011)
Arabidopsis SUMO E3 ligase SIZ1 is involved in excess copper tolerance
Plant Physiology
論文著作 (2011)
Effect of Cu content on the activity of Cu/ZnSOD1 in the arabidopsis SUMO E3 ligase siz1 mutant
Plant Signaling & Behavior
論文著作 (2009)
Model Evaluation of the Phytoextraction Potential of Heavy Metal Hyperaccumulators and Non-hyperaccumulators
Environmental Pollution
論文著作 (2009)
Arabidopsis IRT3 is a zinc-regulated and plasma membrane localized zinc/iron transporter
New Phytologist
論文著作 (2008)
Genomics and proteomics of immune modulatory effects of a butanol fraction of echinacea purpurea in human dendritic cells
BMC Genomics
論文著作 (2006)
Isolation and characterization of tomato Hsa32 encoding a novel heat-shock protein
Plant Science
論文著作 (2006)
Proteomic survey of copper-binding proteins in Arabidopsis roots by immobilized metal affinity chromatography and mass spectrometry
論文著作 (2006)
Modulatory effe cts of Echinacea purpurea extracts on human dendritic cells: A cell- and gene-based study
論文著作 (2006)
Genes Associated with Heavy Metal Tolerance and Accumulation in Zn/Cd Hyperaccumulator Arabidopsis halleri: A Genomic Survey with cDNA Microarray
論文著作 (2022)
Insight into the mechanism of indium toxicity in rice
Journal of Hazardous Materials
論文著作 (2022)
Soil Gallium Speciation and Resulting Gallium Uptake by Rice Plants
Journal of Hazardous Materials
論文著作 (2021)
Divalent nutrient cations: Friend and foe during zinc stress in rice
Plant Cell & Environment
論文著作 (2021)
Histone H3 lysine4 trimethylation‐regulated GRF11 expression is essential for the iron deficiency response in Arabidopsis thaliana
New Phytologist
論文著作 (2020)
Assessment of indium toxicity to the model plant Arabidopsis
Journal of Hazardous Materials
論文著作 (2020)
The dual benefit of a dominant mutation in Arabidopsis IRON DEFICIENCY TOLERANT1 for iron biofortification and heavy metal phytoremediation
Plant Biotechnology Journal
論文著作 (2020)
A HemK class glutamine-methyltransferase is involved in the termination of translation and essential for iron homeostasis in Arabidopsis
New Phytologist
論文著作 (2020)
Indium Uptake and Accumulation by Rice and Wheat and Health Risk Associated with Their Consumption
Environmental Science & Technology
論文著作 (2019)
Small-Molecules Selectively Modulate Iron-Deficiency Signaling Networks in Arabidopsis
Frontiers in Plant Science
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