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S. L. Chang, C.L.T. Chang, Y. M. Chiang, R. H. Hsieh, C. R. Tzeng, T. K. Wu, H. K. Sytwu, N. S. Yang, L. F. Shyur and W. C. Yang (2004) Polyacetylenic compounds and butanol fraction from Bidens pilosa can modulate the differentiation of helper T cells and prevent autoimmune diabetes in non-obese diabetic mice. Planta Medica, 70, 1045-1051
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W. C. Lin, M. L. Cheng, J. W. Wu, N. S. Yang and C. P. Cheng (2004) A glycine-rich protein gene family predominantly expressed in tomato roots, but not in leaves and ripe fruit. Plant Sci, (In press)
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Staniforth V, Wang SY, Shyur LF, Yang NS (2004) Shikonins, phytocompounds from Lithospermum erythrorhizon, inhibit the transcriptional activation of human tumor necrosis factor alpha promoter in vivo. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(7), 5877-5885
Hsin-Mei Wang and Kin-Ying To* (2004) Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in the high-value medicinal plant Echinacea purpurea. Plant Science, 166, 1087-1096
Yang NS*, Shyur LF, Chen CH, Wang SY, Tzeng CM* (2004) Medicinal herb extract and a single-compound drug confer similar complex pharmacogenomic activities in MCF-7 cells. Journal of Biomedical Science, 11(3), 418-422
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Chen TL, Lin YL, Lee YL, Yang NS, Chan MT* (2004) Expression of bioactive human interferon-gamma protein in transgenic rice suspension cells. Transgenic Research, 13(5), 499-510
Shyur LF*, Chen CH, Lo CP, Wang SY, Kang PL, Sun SJ, Chang CA, Tzeng CM, Yang NS (2004) Induction of apoptosis in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells by phytochemicals from Anoectochilus formosanus. Journal of Biomedical Science, 11(6), 928-939
Lin WC, Lu CF, Wu JW, Cheng ML, Lin YM, Yang NS, Black L, Green SK, Wang JF, Cheng CP* (2004) Transgenic tomato plants expressing the Arabidopsis NPR1 gene display enhanced resistance to a spectrum of fungal and bacterial diseases. Transgenic Research, 13(6), 567-581
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