Research Findings (2021) Histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation-regulated GRF11 expression is essential for the iron deficiency response in Arabidopsis thaliana. | |
Research Findings (2019) Arabidopsis IRON DEFICIENCY TOLERANT1 for iron biofortification and heavy metal phytoremediation. | |
Research Findings (2015) Glutathione plays an essential role in nitric oxide-mediated iron deficiency signaling and iron deficiency tolerance in Arabidopsis. | |
Research Findings (2014) Root-secreted nicotianamine from Arabidopsis halleri facilitates zinc hypertolerance by regulating zinc bioavailability | |
Research Findings (2013) Degradation of the Fe uptake transporter IRT1 | |
Research Findings (2013) Fe nutrient and circadian period length | |
Research Findings (2012) Biological function of copper chaperones: copper homeostasis and biomass | |
Research Findings (2012) A sensitive LC-ESI-TOF-MS method for the detection of phytosiderophores and their iron complexes in roots | |
Research Findings (2011) Fe homeostasis based Zn tolerance in the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator A. halleri | |
Research Findings (2011) SUMOylation is involved in the Cu tolerance and distribution in plants | |
Research Findings (2011) Glutathione plays a role in the cross-homeostasis between Fe and Zn | |
Research Findings (2009) IRT3 is a Zn-regulated plasma membrane Zn and Fe transporter | |
Research Findings (2009) Model Evaluation of the Phytoextraction Potential of Heavy Metal Hyperaccumulators and Non-hyperaccumulators | |
Research Findings (2006) A design of metal binding peptides: Proteomic survey of copper-binding domains in Arabidopsis roots | |