農生中心相片 點選關閉

Published Papers

Pin-jui Huang, Yen-Ling Lin, Chun-Han Chen, Hsiang-Yin Lin, (Su-Chiung Fang)* (2024) A chloroplast sulfate transporter modulates glutathione-mediated redox cycling to regulate cell division. Plant Cell Environment, 47(12): 5391–5410. https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.15113
Lin, Choun-Sea*; Hsu, Chen-Tran; Chiu, Chi-Chou; Hsiao, Pao-Yuan; Chih-Yu, Lin; (Cheng, Sychyi); Lin, Yao-Cheng; Yang, Yu-Liang; Wu, Fu-Huei; Harn, Horng-Jyh; Lin, Shinn-Zong (2024) Transgene-Free CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Gene Editing through Protoplast-to-Plant Regeneration Enhances Active Compounds in Salvia miltiorrhiza. PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL, 22 (6), 1549-1551
Lu, H.C., Huang, C.-W., Mimura, T., Sukma, D., and Chan, M.-T. (2024) Temperature-regulated Flowering Locus T Like gene coordinates the spike initiation in Phalaenopsis orchid.. PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY, 16, 405-419
Do AD, KS Wu, Chu SS, GL Hien, (Lin YL), Chang CC, Wong TT, Hsieh CL*, Sung SY* (2024) LncRNA LOXL1-AS1 contributes to metastasis in sonic-hedgehog medulloblastoma by promoting TGFB2-mediated cell migration and cancer stem-like phenotypes. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL & CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, 43, 130
Hung, Jo-Chi Li, Ning-Juan Peng, Ching-Yen Yang, Ching-Chieh Ko, Swee-Suak* (2024) Safe Farming: Ultrafine Bubble Water Reduces Insect Infestation and Improves Melon Yield and Quality. plants, 13, 537
Lin Jer-Young, Liu Yu-Chang, Tseng Yan-Hao, Chan Ming-Tsair, Chang Ching-Chun (2024) TALE-based organellar genome editing and gene expression in plants. Plant Cell Reports, 43(3), 61
Lin HH, YS Wu, Chang MT, Shyur LF, (Lin YL)* (2024) Plant-derived galactolipids enhance specific antibody production and induce class-switch as vaccine adjuvant. VACCINE, 42 (4), 782-794
Ting-Ying Wu*, Ya-Ru Li, Kai-Jyun Chang, Jhen-Cheng Fang, Daisuke Urano and (Ming-Jung Liu*) (2024) Modeling alternative translation initiation sites in plants reveals evolutionarily conserved cis-regulatory codes in eukaryotes. Genome Research,
(Ming-Jung Liu*), Jhen-Cheng Fang, Ya Ma, Geeng-Loo Chong, Chun-Kai Huang, Ami Takeuchi, Natsu Takayanagi, Misato Ohtani* (2024) Frontiers in Plant RNA Research in ICAR2023: from Lab to Innovative Agriculture. Plant Molecular Biology,
Yang ,Shu-Yi, Lin, Wei-Yi, Hsiao, Yi-Min, (Chiou, Tzyy-Jen)* (2024) Milestones in understanding transport, sensing, and signaling of the plant nutrient phosphorus. PLANT CELL, 36(5), 1504-1523
Ai-Ping Chen#, Wan-Chieh Chen#, Bo-Han Hou, Shu-Jen Chou*, Ho-Ming Chen* (2024) Global Profiling and Analysis of 5'Monophosphorylated mRNA Decay Intermediates. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, NJ), 2863, 373-394
Syuan-Fei Hong, Wei-Lun Wei, Zhao-Jun Pan, Jia-Zhen Yu, Shiuan Cheng, Yu-Ling Hung, Veny Tjita, Hao-Ching Wang, Aino Komatsu, Ryuichi Nishihama, Takayuki Kohchi, Ho-Ming Chen, Wan-Chieh Chen, Jing-Chi Lo, Yen-Hsin Chiu, Ho-Chun Yang, Mei-Yeh Lu, Li-Yu Daisy Liu, Shih-Shun Lin (2024) Molecular Insights into MpAGO1 and Its Regulatory miRNA, miR11707, in the High-Temperature Acclimation of Marchantia polymorpha. Plant and Cell Physiology, 65 (9), 1414–1433
Chang, C.-T., Chen, Y.-H., and Shyur, L.-F.* (2024) Phytocompounds from essential oil of Mentha aquatica Lime Mint prevent vemurafenib-promoted skin carcinogenesis via inhibiting HRASQ61L keratinocyte and reprogramming macrophage activities. Phytomedicine, 122, 155161
Lin, H.-H., Wu, Y.-S., Chang, M.-T., Shyur, L.-F., and Lin, Y.-L.* (2024) Plant-derived galactolipids enhance specific antibody production and induce class-switch as vaccine adjuvant. Vaccine, 42, 782-794
Pan, Y.-C., Chu, P.-Y., Lin, C.-C., Hsieh, C.-Y., Hsu, W.-Y., Shyur, L.-F., Yang, J.-C., Chang, W.-C., and Wu, Y.-C.* (2024) Glutathione S-transferase omega class 1 (GSTO1)-associated large extracellular vesicles are involved in tumor-associated macrophage-mediated cisplatin resistance in bladder cancer. Molecular Oncology, 18,1866-1884
Lien, Y.-Y.#, Shyur, L.-F.#, Cheng, Y.-B., Chang, M.-T., Chang, C.-T., Chen, Y.-H., Lai, G.-H., Liao, H.-Y., and Cheng, M.-C.* (2024) Trifolium pratense as a novel phytogenic supplement, is an anticoccidial agent in chickens. Poultry Science, 103, 104064
Tai-Na Wu* , Jung-Tung Hung , Tsai-Hsien Hung , Ya-Hui Wang , Jen-Chine Wu , Alice L Yu (2024) Effective suppression of tumor growth and hepatic metastasis of neuroblastoma by NKT-stimulatory phenyl glycolipid. Biomedicine and pharmacotherapy, 117040
Hsu CT, Chiu CC, Hsiao PY, Lin CY, Cheng S, Lin YC, (Yang YL), Wu FH, Harn HJ, Lin SZ, Lin CS * (2024) Transgene-free CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing through protoplast-to-plant regeneration enhances active compounds in Salvia miltiorrhiza.. Plant biotechnology journal, 22(6), 1549-1551
Hsiao Yu-Chun, Shiue Shiau-Yu, Yen Ming-Ren, Lai Joon-Keat, Yamada Masashi (2024) RGF1 controls PLT2 protein stability through ROS-dependent regulation of a cysteine residue in root meristem development. bioRxiv, 0, 0
Lee YS, Umam K, Kuo TF, (Yang YL), Feng CS, Yang WC * (2024) Functional and mechanistic studies of a phytogenic formulation, Shrimp Best, in growth performance and vibriosis in whiteleg shrimp.. Scientific reports, 14(1), 11584
Sanjaya I Putu Wahyu, Sudarsono , Chan Ming-Tsair, Sukma Dewi, Buchori Ade, Putra Raihan Permana, Nurcholis Waras (2024) D-optimal Design Optimization of Solvent Mixture for Flavonoid Extraction from Phalaenopsis Leaves with Antioxidant Activity. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences, 16(1), 1-7
Chin WC, Zhou YZ, Wang HY, Feng YT, Yang RY, Huang ZF, (Yang YL) * (2024) Bacterial polyynes uncovered: a journey through their bioactive properties, biosynthetic mechanisms, and sustainable production strategies.. Natural product reports,
Lin, J.Y., Liu, Y.C., Tseng, Y.H., Chan, M.T., and Chang, C.C.* (2024) TALE based organellar genome editing and gene expression in plants.. Plant Cell Reports, 43:61 DOI: 10.1007/s00299-024-03150-w
Lu, H.C., Huang, C.-W., Mimura, T., Sukma, D., and Chan, M.-T.* (2024) Temperature-regulated Flowering Locus T Like gene coordinates the spike initiation in Phalaenopsis orchid.. Plant and Cell Physiology, 65:405-419. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcad166.
H.-F. Chang, S.-C. Tseng, M.-T. Tang, S. S.-Y. Hsiao, D.-C. Lee, S.-L. Wang, K.-C. Yeh* (2024) Physiology and molecular basis of thallium toxicity and accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana.. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety, 276:116290
Jhun-Chen Chen, Hsiang-Yin Lin, Ondřej Novák, Miroslav Strnad, Yung-I Lee*, Su-Chiung Fang* (2024) Diverse geotropic responses in the orchid family. Plant Cell Environment, 47(10):3828-3845. https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.14975
Hsu CT, Chiu CC, Hsiao PY, Lin CY, Cheng S, Lin YC, Yang YL, Wu FH, Harn HJ, Lin SZ, (Lin CS)* (2024) Transgene-free CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing through protoplast-to-plant regeneration enhances active compounds in Salvia miltiorrhiza.. Plant biotechnology journal, pbi.14285, pbi.14285