農生中心相片 點選關閉

論文著作 (2024)
Effective suppression of tumor growth and hepatic metastasis of neuroblastoma by NKT-stimulatory phenyl glycolipid
Biomedicine and pharmacotherapy
論文著作 (2023-03)
Potential probiotics for regulation of the gut-lung axis to prevent or alleviate influenza in vulnerable populations
Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine
論文著作 (2019)
Effects of GADL1 overexpression on cell migration and the associated morphological changes
Scientific Reports
論文著作 (2019)
Lithium and GADL1 regulate glycogen synthase kinase-3 activity to modulate KCTD12 expression
Scientific Reports
論文著作 (2019)
Immunophenotypes associated with bipolar disorder and lithium treatment
Scientific Reports
Human iNKT cell activation using glycolipids
USA Issued US 9,879,042
Chi-Huey Wong, Alice L. Yu, Kun-Hsien Lin, Tai-Na Wu
Human iNKT cell activation using glycolipids with altered glycosyl groups
USA Issued US 9,782,476 B2
Chi-Huey Wong, Alice L. Yu, Kun-Hsien Lin, Tai-Na Wu
論文著作 (2021)
Current advancements of plant-derived agents for triple-negative breast cancer therapy through deregulating cancer cell functions and reprogramming tumor microenvironment
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
論文著作 (2016)
Phenyl glycolipids with different glycosyl groups exhibit marked differences in murine and human iNKT cell activation
ACS Chem. Biol
論文著作 (2006)
A keratin 18 transgenic zebrafish Tg(k18(29):RFP) treated with inorganic arsenite reveals visible overproliferation of epithelial cells
論文著作 (2011)
Avidity of CD1d-ligand-receptor ternary complex contributes to Th1 polarization and anticancer efficacy
徵才 2021-09-16
徵才 2021-09-16
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論文著作 (9)
葉國楨 楊玉良 葉信宏 徐麗芬 邱子珍 常怡雍 楊文欽 蕭培文 詹明才 方素瓊 陳逸然 陳荷明 劉明容 孫德芬 何承訓 林耀正 山田昌史 林于鈴 林哲揚 吳岱娜 陳繪名 陳韻竹 呂冠箴 林崇熙 辜瑞雪 梁佑全 匡麟芸 鄭思齊