
Sun, W.-T.†; Cheng, S.-C.†; Chao, Y.-T.†; Lin, S.-Y.; Yang, T.-T.; Ho, Y.-P.; Shih, M.-C.*; Ko, S.-S.* (2023) Sugars and sucrose transporters in pollinia of Phalaenopsis aphrodite (Orchidaceae). J. Exp. Bot., 74, 2556-2571 †Equal contribution
Cheng, S.-C.*; Lin, H.-J.; Lee, C.-Y.; Huang, M.-Z.; Shiea, J.* (2022) Gas chromatography combined with flame-induced atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry for the analysis of fatty acid methyl esters and saturated hydrocarbons. Anal. Chim, 1200, 339611
Shiea, J.*; Lin, H.-J.; Bhat, S. M.; Lee, C.-Y.; Huang, M.-Z.; Ponnusamy, V. K.; Cheng, S.-C.* (2022) Thin layer chromatography/desorption flame-induced atmospheric pressure chemical ionization/mass spectrometry for the analysis of volatile and semi-volatile mixtures. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom, 36, e9409
Cheng, S.-C.; Lee, R.-H.; Jeng, J.-Y.; Lee, C.-W.; Shiea, J.* (2020) Fast screening of trace multiresidue pesticides on fruit and vegetable surfaces using ambient ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1102, 63-71
Cheng, S.-C.; Bhat, S. M.; Lee, C.-W.; Shiea, J.* (2019) Simple interface for scanning chemical compounds on developed thin layer chromatography plates using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta, 10491-9. (Outside Front Cover)
Cheng, S.-C.; Tsai, Y.-D.; Lee, C.-W.; Chen, B.-H.; Shiea, J.* (2019) Direct and rapid characterization of illicit drugs in adulterated samples using thermal desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. J. Food Drug Anal, 27, 451-459
Su, H.; Huang, M.-Z.; Chou, J.-H.; Chang, T.-H.; Jiang, Y.-M.; Cho, Y.-T.; Cheng, S.-C.; Wu, M.-T.; Shiea, J.* (2018) High-throughput screening of phthalate-containing objects in the kindergartens by ambient mass spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1039, 65-73
Cheng, S.-C.*; Bhat, S. M.; Lee, C.-W.; Shiea, J.* (2018) Thin Layer Chromatography Combined with Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Characterizing Herbal Compounds. Int. J. Mass Spectrom, 434, 264-271
Shiea, C.; Huang, Y.-L.; Cheng, S.-C.; Chen, Y.-L.; Shiea, J.* (2017) Determination of elemental composition of metals using ambient organic mass spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta, 968, 50-57
Cheng, S.-C.; Chen, S.-H.; Shiea, J.* (2017) Desorption Flame-Induced Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Rapid Real-World Sample Analysis. Mass Spectrom. (Tokyo), S0065
Cheng, S.-C.; Bhat, S. M.; Shiea, J.* (2017) Flame Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Coupled with Negative Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Ion Molecule Reactions. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom, 28, 1473-1481
Cheng, S.-C.; Shiea, C.; Huang, Y.-L.; Wang, C.-H.; Cho, Y.-T.; Shiea, J.* (2017) Laser-based ambient mass spectrometry. Anal. Methods, 9, 4924
Kao, Y.-Y.; Cheng, S.-C.; Cheng, C.-N.; Shiea, J.* (2016) Depth profiling of inks in authentic and counterfeit banknotes by electrospray laser desorption ionization/mass spectrometry. J. Mass Spectrom, 51, 20-27
Cheng, S.-C.; Chen, Y.-T.; Jhang, S.-S.; Shiea, J.* (2016) Flame-induced atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom, 30, 890-896.
Cheng, S.-C.; Wang, C.-H.; Shiea, J.* (2016) Formation of Metal-Adducted Analyte Ions by Flame-Induced Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem, 88, 5159-5165
Cheng, S.-C.*; Jhang, S.-S.; Huang, M.-Z.; Shiea, J.* (2015) Simultaneous Detection of Polar and Nonpolar Compounds by Ambient Mass Spectrometry with a Dual Electrospray and Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Source. Anal. Chem, 87, 1743-1748
Kao, Y.-Y.; Cheng, S.-C.; Cheng, C.-N.; Shiea, J.*; Ho. H.-O.* (2014) Detection of Trace Ink Compounds in Erased Handwritings Using Electrospray-assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry. J. Mass Spectrom, 49, 445-451.
Kao, Y.-Y.; Cheng, C.-N.; Cheng, S.-C.; Ho. H.-O.; Shiea, J.* (2013) Distinguishing Authentic and Counterfeit Banknotes by Surface Chemical Composition Determined Using Electrospray Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry. J. Mass Spectrom, 48, 1129-1135
Huang, M.-Z.; Zhou, C.-C.; Liu, D.-L.; Jhang, S.-S.; Cheng, S.-C.; Shiea, J.* (2013) Rapid Characterization of Chemical Compounds in Liquid and Solid States Using Thermal Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem, 85, 8956-8963
Huang, M.-Z.; Cheng, S.-C.; Jhang, S.-S.; Chou, C.-C.; Cheng, C.-N.; Shiea, J.*; Popov, I.A.; Nikolaev, E.N. (2012) Ambient Molecular Imaging of Dry Fungus Surface by Electrospray Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Int. J. Mass Spectrom, 325, 172-182
Cheng, S.-C.; Huang, M.-Z.; Wu, L.-C.; Chou, C.-C.; Cheng, C.-N.; Jhang, S.-S.; Shiea, J.* (2012) Building Blocks for the Development of an Interface for High-Throughput Thin Layer Chromatography/Ambient Mass Spectrometric Analysis: A Green Methodology. Anal. Chem, 84, 5864-5868
Huang, M.-Z.; Cheng, S.-C.; Cho, Y.-T.; Shiea, J.* (2011) Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry: A Tutorial. Anal. Chim. Acta, 702, 1-15
Cheng, S.-C.; Huang, M.-Z.; Shiea, J.* (2011) Thin Layer Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A, 1218, 2700-2711
Huang, M.-Z.; Yuan, C.-H.; Cheng, S.-C.; Cho, Y.-T.; Shiea, J.* (2010) Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Annu. Rev. Anal. Chem, 3, 43-65
Huang, M.-Z.; Jhang, S.-S.; Cheng, C.-N.; Cheng, S.-C.; Shiea, J.* (2010) Effects of Matrix, Electrospray Solution, and Laser Light on the Desorption and Ionization Mechanisms in Electrospray-assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Analyst, 135, 759-766
Cheng, S.-C.; Lin, Y.-S.; Huang, M.-Z.; Shiea, J.* (2010) Applications of Electrospray Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Document Examination. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom, 24, 203-208
Cheng, S.-C.; Cheng, T.-L.; Chang, H.-C.; Shiea, J.* (2009) Using Laser-Induced Acoustic Desorption/Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry to Characterize Small Organic and Large Biological Compounds in the Solid State and in Solution under Ambient Conditions. Anal. Chem, 81, 868-874
Cheng, S.-C.; Huang, M.-Z.; Shiea, J.* (2009) Thin-Layer Chromatography/Laser-induced Acoustic Desorption/Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem, 81, 9274-9281
Cheng, C.-Y.; Yuan, C.-H.; Cheng, S.-C.; Huang, M.-Z.; Chang, H.-C.; Cheng, T.-L.; Yeh, C.-S.; Shiea, J.* (2008) Electrospray-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Continuously Monitoring the States of Ongoing Chemical Reactions in Organic or Aqueous Solution under Ambient Conditions. Anal. Chem, 80, 7699-7705.
Shiea, J.*; Yuan, C.-H.; Huang, M.-Z.; Cheng, S.-C.; Ma, Y.-L.; Tseng, W.-L.; Chang, H.-C.; Hung, W.-C. (2008) Detection of Native Protein Ions in Aqueous Solution under Ambient Conditions by Electrospray Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem, 80, 4845-4852
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