

Service procedure explanation:
1.Apply for a Case
2.Commencement of Experiments
3.Conclusion of Experiments
4.End of Case
Please download the appropriate document in“Application Forms”and ask your PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (ADVISER) to sign it.

ServicesExperimental ProcedureDownload Application FormPredicted Experimental ResultService StaffDetails of Payment
Provision of Arabidopsis materials  Fuhui WuProvided free of charge; it is necessary to fill out a Plant Materials Application Form
Experiments related to transient expression transfection

Plasmid isolation (for protoplasts use)

MACHEREY-NAGEL NucleoBond Xtra plasmid Midiprep kits for plasmid extraction

UsingViogene Mini PlusTM Column purification


Plasmid DNA concentration 1 μg/μl or more; DNA quality 260/280 = 1.8 or more (nano drop)Fuhui Wu1. NT$300/column
2. Every 12 columns, manpower cost NT$2700.
Arabidopsis protoplasts Fuhui Wu1. 1-8 sets, manpower costs, NT$2300, 9-16 sets, manpower costs NT$2650.
2. chemical and consumables NT$500 /8 sets.
seeding of rice(in vitro)sowing in 1/2 MS medium Fuhui Wu1. The applicant is requested to provide the seeds
2. Manpower and chemical costs NT$750/30 seedlings
Rice protoplasts Fuhui Wu1. 1-8 sets, manpower cost NT$2700, 9-16 sets, manpower cost NT$3100。
2.Drugs and consumables NT$700 /8 sets。
Construction of CRISPR target vector

send back promoter and target sites sequence data, sequence-confirmed plasmid.Fuhui WuArabidopsis(less than 3 target sites): 13000元/construction
Monocot and dicot except Arabidopsis (less than 4 target sites):16000元/construction
Monocot and dicot except Arabidopsis (5-6 target sites):22000元/construction