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MS Core Facility Rules

  1. Make an appointment in the reservation system before the experiment. http://assc.sinica.edu.tw/ASSC/login.php
  2. The account can make an appointment for a maximum of 48 hours within a week, and special appointments are required for more than 48 hours. 
  3. When the reservation is full, you must coordinate the use time with the manager of the facility. 
  4. If you cannot come to use the instruments after the reservation, please cancel online at least one day in advance (cannot be cancelled on the same day). If you fail to come and cancel three times in advance, the account will be suspended for two months. 
  5. During use, strictly abide by operation manual of the mass spectrometer. If the instrument is damaged due to improper use or failure to comply with the instructions of the management personnel, the operator will be charged for repairing the instrument and the right to be suspended for half a year or self-operation is prohibited. 
  6. After use, be sure to clean up and restore the operating environment, and make sure to register the usage records.