

We would like to invite lab mates who are interested in scientific study, active learning, and participating research discussion. Together, we aim to understand biological carbon fixation mechanisms and translate scientific insights to plants for higher productivity.

工作資格需求:  (1)生物化學、化學、分生生物、生物資訊、生命科學、農業等相關系所畢業或即將畢業者。(2) 能執行基本生化、分生、及植物生理實驗者。(3)能協助行政及實驗室日常事務者。

[Requirements]: (1) Applicants who hold or will get a bachelor, master, or Ph.D degree in the field of biological chemistry, chemistry, bioinformatics, life science, and agriculture are very welcome. (2) Applicants who have experimental experience in the field of biochemistry, molecular biology, or plant science.

薪資: 依照中研院標凖,43,624

Monthly salary: NTD 43,624 up


地球上大部分的碳吸收是透過植物、水生藍綠菌、和藻類的光合作用。他們能將光能轉換成化學能來固定二氧化碳,將碳分子聚合成各式有機化合物,用於支持生長並儲存養份。不同物種的光合作用和固碳作用的機制經演化及適應環境而有所不同,這些機制控制了它們的固碳率、代謝物合成種類與含量,也決定了它們的生長發育和生產力。然而,參與機制的分子及其相關調控尚未被充分了解。因此,我們計劃 (1)透過分析不同物種的基因組、蛋白質組、代謝組、生化與分生研究,並結合人工智慧,預測出可能增強固碳作用的機制或調控因子。利用合成生物學在藍綠菌及作物中驗證這些可能因子及代謝途徑對增產的有效性。(2)此外,已有許多內生及設計出的合成途徑被提出能有效地增加碳固定、碳轉換率來生產特定化學物質。故我們計劃將這些途徑引入藍藻、藻類和/或作物中來評估它們的效果,以提高光合產量。

Research focus and projects: Photosynthetic carbon fixation accounts for the majority of carbon absorption on Earth. Plants, aquatic cyanobacteria, and algae use photoenergy to fix carbon dioxide, converting it into various chemical compounds that support growth and yield. The mechanisms involved in photosynthesis and carbon fixation vary among species, influencing their carbon assimilation rates, metabolite synthesis, and ultimately determining their growth and productivity. However, the diversity of these mechanisms and the related regulatory components are not fully understood. 

To address this, we aim to: 

  1. discover mechanisms or regulators that enhance carbon fixation or plant growth by studying genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, molecular biology, biochemistry, and etc., with the support of AI. Then we can evaluate our discoveries in cyanobacteria and crops by synthetic biology.
  2.  Introduce native existed and/or new-to-nature pathways that can efficiently increase carbon fixation and/or carbon efficiency for the production of specific chemicals. To assess their effectiveness in plants, we plan to construct these pathways into cyanobacteria, algae, and/or crops for higher photoproduction.

應聘文件: 請提供簡歷,包含畢業學校、系所、修過的課程、專長、在學或工作經歷、得獎事由、應聘動機、成績單等利於申請此職缺的文件。(2)請提供1-2名推薦人姓名及其聯絡資訊。

Document preparation for this position: Please provide your CV including the university you graduated from, department, courses taken, specialties, academic or work experience, awards received, motivation for applying this position, transcripts, and other documents that would support your application for this position. (2) Please provide the names and contact information of 1-2 referees.

聯絡方式: 請申請人在09/30/2024前將應聘文件寄到此電子郵箱[klu@gate.sinica.edu.tw]

Please send your application document as a PDF file by Sep. 30th 2024, to the following email address: klu@gate.sinica.edu.tw


現行 薪資標準 (113年1月1日起)