農生中心相片 點選關閉

Blocking immunoinhibitory receptor LILRB2 reprograms tumor-associated myeloid cells and promotes antitumor immunity

Hui-Ming Chen.*, van der Touw, W.*, Wang, Y.S., Kang, K., Mai, S., Zhang, J., Alsina-Beauchamp, D., Duty, J.A., Mungamuri, S.K., Zhang, B., Moran, T., Flavell, R., Aaronson, S., Hu, H.M., Arase, H., Ramanathan, S., Flores, R., Pan, P.Y., & Chen, S.H. *: Equal contribution. (2018) Blocking immunoinhibitory receptor LILRB2 reprograms tumor-associated myeloid cells and promotes antitumor immunity The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 128(12), p5647-5662. PMCID: PMC6264729.

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