農生中心相片 點選關閉

Comparison of Chicken Immune Responses after Inoculation with H5 Avian Influenza Virus-like Particles Produced by Insect Cells or Pupae

Dean Huang, Yu-Chan Chao, Zhengbing Lv, Jia-Tsrong Jan, Yu-Chih Yang, Pei-Wen Hsiao, Chia-Ying Wu, Chiu-Hsun Liao, Tzu-Hsien Wu, Lih-Chiann Wang* (2021) Comparison of Chicken Immune Responses after Inoculation with H5 Avian Influenza Virus-like Particles Produced by Insect Cells or Pupae JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH, 65(2), 139-145

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