Faculty Positions in Biotechnology Center in Southern Taiwan of Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center (AS-BCST) Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Applications are invited to apply for multiple tenure-track positions at Assistant Research Fellow level (equivalent to Assistant Professor) or Associate Research Fellow level (equivalent to Associate Professor) in AS-BCST. The successful candidates are expected to develop a rigorous research program in the thematic research fields of agricultural biotechnology related to metabolic engineering and synthetic biology.
The AS-BCST located in Tainan was established to cultivate a multidisciplinary research approach, bringing innovations and techniques to advance biotechnology that helps solve agricultural problems and fosters development of Bio-agriculture industry in Taiwan. The current research programs focus on crop genomics & microbiota, functional small molecules, molecular breeding for important agricultural traits, adaptive strategies in response to environmental changes, and other mission-oriented basic research.
We are particularly interested in applicants seeking a highly collaborative and innovative research environment to join us. For more information on AS-BCST and Academia Sinica, please visit our websites at https://www.as-bcst.sinica.edu.tw/en/
and https://www.sinica.edu.tw/en/, respectively.
Applicants should submit the following materials online at https://abrc.sinica.edu.tw/jobs/?aid=6608 : (a) Cover letter; (b) Curriculum vitae, including publications; (c) A summary of research accomplishments; (d) Specific and focused description of future research plans; (e) PDF copies of major publications; (f) Names and contact information for three referees. In addition, candidates should arrange three (or more) letters of recommendation sent directly by referees to abrctainan@gate.sinica.edu.tw.
The application deadline is November 30th, 2023. Application submitted after the deadline may be considered in the next round of recruitment.
中央研究院農業生物科技研究中心南部生物技術中心誠徵數名專任研究人員(助研究員或副研究員),以參與建置農業生物科技相關之專題研究,研究領域包括代謝工程 (metabolic engineering)及合成生物學 (synthetic biology)。
繳交以下資料:1. 求職信、2. 個人簡歷(涵蓋論文發表著作)、3. 研究領域專長及成果概要、4. 未來研究計畫、5. 代表性著作PDF檔、6. 三位推薦人姓名及聯絡方式。推薦信函三封(或以上)請推薦人以電子郵件寄至
此職缺自即日起至2023年 11 月 30 日止受理申請。