Cytopiloyne for preventing type 1 diabetes

Wen-Chin Yang at ABRC has identified a novel polyacetylene, cytopiloyne, from the plant Bidens pilosa in cooperation with Dr. Lie-Fen Shyur. we report that the cytopiloyne effectively prevents the development of diabetes in nonobese diabetic mice as evidenced by a normal level of blood glucose and insulin and normal pancreatic islet architecture. Cytopiloyne also suppresses the differentiation of type 1 Th cells but promotes that of type 2 Th cells, which is consistent with it enhancing GATA-3 transcription. Also, long-term application of cytopiloyne significantly decreases the level of CD4 T cells inside pancreatic lymph nodes and spleens but does not compromise total Ab responses mediated by T cells. Coculture assays imply that this decrease in CD4 T cells involves the Fas ligand/Fas pathway. Overall, our results suggest that cytopiloyne prevents type 1 diabetes mainly via T cell regulation. Chang, C.-L.-T., Chang, S.-L., Lee, Y.-M., Chiang, Y.-M., Chuang, D.-Y., Kuo, H.-K. and Yang, W.-C.* (2007). Cytopiloyne, a Polyacetylenic Glucoside, Prevents Type 1 Diabetes in Non-obese Diabetic Mice. Journal of Immunology, 178, pp. 6984-6993. Chiang, Y.-M., Chang, C.-L.-T., Chang, S.-L., Yang, W.-C.*, Shyur, L.-F.* (2006). Cytopiloyne, a novel polyacetylenic glucoside from Bidens pilosa, functions as a T helper cell modulator. Journal of Ethnophamacology, 110(3), pp. 532-538.


同研究人員:Chang, C.、Chang,S.、Lee, Y.、Chiang, Y.、Chuang, D.、
Wen-Chin Yang

Wen-Chin Yang

Research Fellow

(02) 2787-2076
A629, Agricultural Technology Building
A623, Agricultural Technology Building
Tel: (02) 2787-2074
  • Adjunct professor in TIGP programs (National Chung-Hsin Univeristy, National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Taiwan Ocean University, National Defense Medical Center, National Cheng Kung University, China Medical University, Thunghai Univeristy, etc.
  • 2019- CEO of Herbal Medicine Division
  • 2017-2019 Vice Director
  • 2017- Research Fellow
  • 2011-2012 Visiting Scholay,Mont Sinai Medical Center, USA
  • 2008-2017 Associate Research Fellow,Academia Sinica
  • 2001-2008 Assistant resaerch Fellow,Academia Sinica
  • 2001 Postdoc, Umass medical School
  • 1998 Ph.D Université de la Méditerranée, France